confirmation shown when applying keybinding changes when conflicts are present "ApplyChangesConflictPrompt" = "ApplyChangesConflictPrompt"; Map description Map description "ArmageddonMap__desc" = "Ласкаво просимо до Армагеддону - зруйнованих залишків минулого катаклізму. Удар, що утворив центральний кратер, розкидав дорогоцінні ресурси по всіх островах, пропонуючи прибуткові можливості для амбітних шахтарів і підприємців. Я просто радий, що не жив тут тоді! Це, мабуть, був справжній БУМ.\n\nЦей острів має більшу площу, ніж будь-які три інші острови, які ми досліджували, тому тут є значний простір для зростання. З чотирма стартовими локаціями, кожна з яких пропонує різний рівень складності, ця карта підходить як для нових гравців, які шукають легкі завдання, так і для досвідчених ветеранів, які бажають перевірити свої навички будівництва заводів.\n\nЦя карта була створена на честь редактора карт для Оновлення 2, оскільки вона демонструє, чого можна досягти з його допомогою.\n"; Confirmation prompt shown when saving difficulty changes. {0} will be a time duration, such as "10 years" "ChangeHistory__ConfirmPrompt" = "ChangeHistory__ConfirmPrompt"; Label shown on the change history tab of the difficulty settings window when no changes have yet been made "ChangeHistory__EmptyLabel" = "ChangeHistory__EmptyLabel"; more info in ClearSurface__Tooltip "ClearSurface__Title" = "ClearSurface__Title"; "ClearSurface__Tooltip" = "ClearSurface__Tooltip"; button to view the captain of industry community site "COIHub" = "COIHub"; name: Surface that can be placed on the ground outside. "ConcreteReinforced_TerrainSurface__name" = "ConcreteReinforced_TerrainSurface__name"; Warning shown above the enable mod checkboxes in the new load nad save window "ConfigureMods_Warning" = "ConfigureMods_Warning"; used in a tooltip to list all the other key-bindings that conflict with the hovered one "ConflictsWith" = "ConflictsWith"; name "ConiferForest__name" = "ConiferForest__name"; title of settings affecting costs (construction, research), consumption of resources, etc. "Costs" = "Costs"; Map description Map description "CraterStaticIslandMap__desc" = "Ходять чутки, що цей кратер утворився не природним шляхом, а є давно занедбаною урановою копальнею. Незважаючи на те, що урану більше немає, багато цінних ресурсів все ще залишаються незахищеними. Вам потрібно бути дуже обережним, щоб не порушити зовнішній периметр, інакше океан затопить весь кратер!"; Map description Map description "CurlandMap__desc" = "Гарний острів, багатий на природні ресурси, але його вигнута форма ускладнює будівництво великих заводів. Ви навіть можете спробувати з'єднати два кінці, щоб вийшло коло!"; Label shown instead of configuration options in the new game flow indicating the step is optional "CustomizeDifficulty__Description" = "CustomizeDifficulty__Description"; Title above non-core maps on the map selection tab of the new game window "CustomMaps__Title" = "CustomMaps__Title"; {0} will be an integer year number "DateYear__Label" = "DateYear__Label"; opens a panel that allows to paint decals onto surfaces "Decals_Paint" = "Decals_Paint"; name: Surface that can be placed on the ground outside. "DefaultConcrete_TerrainSurface__name" = "DefaultConcrete_TerrainSurface__name"; Confirmation button shown under the delete save button on press, {0} is name of the file to be deleted "DeleteSave__Confirm" = "DeleteSave__Confirm"; shown when player is trying to paint lines outside of hard surface area "DesignationWarning__CannotPlaceDecal" = "DesignationWarning__CannotPlaceDecal"; Difficulty impact on construction "DifficultyConstruction__Hard" = "DifficultyConstruction__Hard"; Difficulty impact on contracts & loans "DifficultyContracts__Easy" = "DifficultyContracts__Easy"; Difficulty impact on contracts & loans "DifficultyContracts__Hard" = "DifficultyContracts__Hard"; Difficulty impact on contracts & loans "DifficultyContracts__Normal" = "DifficultyContracts__Normal"; Difficulty impact on disease "DifficultyDisease__Easy" = "DifficultyDisease__Easy"; Difficulty impact on disease "DifficultyDisease__Hard" = "DifficultyDisease__Hard"; Difficulty impact on disease "DifficultyDisease__Normal" = "DifficultyDisease__Normal"; Difficulty impact on food consumption "DifficultyFood__Easy" = "DifficultyFood__Easy"; Difficulty impact on food consumption "DifficultyFood__Hard" = "DifficultyFood__Hard"; Difficulty impact on food consumption "DifficultyFood__Normal" = "DifficultyFood__Normal"; Difficulty impact on fuel consumption "DifficultyFuel__Easy" = "DifficultyFuel__Easy"; Difficulty impact on fuel consumption "DifficultyFuel__Hard" = "DifficultyFuel__Hard"; Difficulty impact on fuel consumption "DifficultyFuel__Normal" = "DifficultyFuel__Normal"; Difficulty impact on aggreculture "DifficultyGrowth__Easy" = "DifficultyGrowth__Easy"; Difficulty impact on aggreculture "DifficultyGrowth__Hard" = "DifficultyGrowth__Hard"; Difficulty impact on aggreculture "DifficultyGrowth__Normal" = "DifficultyGrowth__Normal"; Difficulty impact on maintenance consumption "DifficultyMaintenance__Easy" = "DifficultyMaintenance__Easy"; Difficulty impact on maintenance consumption "DifficultyMaintenance__Hard" = "DifficultyMaintenance__Hard"; Difficulty impact on maintenance consumption "DifficultyMaintenance__Normal" = "DifficultyMaintenance__Normal"; Difficulty impact on mining "DifficultyMining__Easy" = "DifficultyMining__Easy"; Difficulty impact on mining "DifficultyMining__Hard" = "DifficultyMining__Hard"; Difficulty impact on mining "DifficultyMining__Normal" = "DifficultyMining__Normal"; Difficulty impact on pollution "DifficultyPollution__Easy" = "DifficultyPollution__Easy"; Difficulty impact on pollution "DifficultyPollution__Hard" = "DifficultyPollution__Hard"; Difficulty impact on pollution "DifficultyPollution__Normal" = "DifficultyPollution__Normal"; Difficulty impact on rainfall "DifficultyRainfall__Easy" = "DifficultyRainfall__Easy"; Difficulty impact on rainfall "DifficultyRainfall__Hard" = "DifficultyRainfall__Hard"; Difficulty impact on rainfall "DifficultyRainfall__Normal" = "DifficultyRainfall__Normal"; Difficulty impact on research "DifficultyResearch__Easy" = "DifficultyResearch__Easy"; Difficulty impact on mining "DifficultyResearch__Hard" = "DifficultyResearch__Hard"; Difficulty impact on mining "DifficultyResearch__Normal" = "DifficultyResearch__Normal"; Notification shown on successful save of game difficulty settings "DifficultySettingsSaved" = "DifficultySettingsSaved"; Difficulty impact on unity generation "DifficultyUnity__Easy" = "DifficultyUnity__Easy"; Difficulty impact on unity generation "DifficultyUnity__Hard" = "DifficultyUnity__Hard"; Difficulty impact on unity generation "DifficultyUnity__Normal" = "DifficultyUnity__Normal"; a difficulty option where machines / vehicles slow down and after a while stop instead of stopping abruptly when they run out of something (power) "DiffOption__GraduallyStops" = "DiffOption__GraduallyStops"; a difficulty option where ships can run on unity if out of fuel "DiffOption__RunsOnUnity" = "DiffOption__RunsOnUnity"; a difficulty option where machines / vehicles slow down instead of stopping when out of something (power, fuel) "DiffOption__SlowsDown" = "DiffOption__SlowsDown"; a difficulty option where machines / vehicles stop when out of something (power, fuel) "DiffOption__StopsWorking" = "DiffOption__StopsWorking"; Downloadable content label shown in the details panel of the load & save window "Dlc__Detail" = "Dlc__Detail"; tooltip of a panel that configures what products are allowed to be dumped by trucks onto the terrain designations managed by a mine tower area "DumpingFilterGlobal__Tooltip" = "DumpingFilterGlobal__Tooltip"; title of settings affecting economy - loans, contracts "Economy" = "Economy"; notification "EntityCannotBeReached__name" = "EntityCannotBeReached__name"; "EntityCannotBeReachedDesc" = "EntityCannotBeReachedDesc"; tooltip that explains the panel that shows monthly unity consumed in a machine / building "EntityMonthlyUnitTooltip__Consuming" = "EntityMonthlyUnitTooltip__Consuming"; tooltip that explains the panel that shows monthly unity consumed in a machine / building "EntityMonthlyUnitTooltip__NotConsuming" = "EntityMonthlyUnitTooltip__NotConsuming"; tooltip that explains the panel that shows monthly unity consumed in a machine / building "EntityMonthlyUnitTooltip__NotEnough" = "EntityMonthlyUnitTooltip__NotEnough"; status for ore sorter when it got stuck with some products but still can sort others (keep it short!) "EntityStatus__PartiallyStuck" = "EntityStatus__PartiallyStuck"; Label for a button to copy an error message "Error__Copy" = "Error__Copy"; Label for a button shown on error notifications to view more details "Error__View" = "Error__View"; name of a toggle button that turns on / off the error reporting title for setting that configures error reporting "ErrorReporting__Title" = "Звіт про помилку"; vehicle "ExcavatorT2H__name" = "ExcavatorT2H__name"; vehicle "ExcavatorT3H__name" = "ExcavatorT3H__name"; title of settings affecting game failures, outages "FailureOutages" = "FailureOutages"; caption for a table header displaying file sizes "FileSize_Title" = "FileSize_Title"; Description of forestry tower. "ForestryTower__desc" = "ForestryTower__desc"; option for FpsLimitOption__NoLimit "FpsLimitOption__NoLimit" = "FpsLimitOption__NoLimit"; option for FpsLimitOption__VSync1 "FpsLimitOption__VSync1" = "FpsLimitOption__VSync1"; tooltip for FpsLimitOption__VSync1Tooltip "FpsLimitOption__VSync1Tooltip" = "FpsLimitOption__VSync1Tooltip"; option for FpsLimitOption__VSync2 "FpsLimitOption__VSync2" = "FpsLimitOption__VSync2"; tooltip for FpsLimitOption__VSync2Tooltip "FpsLimitOption__VSync2Tooltip" = "FpsLimitOption__VSync2Tooltip"; "FuelForShip__Tooltip" = "Перемістіть лівий зелений повзунок вправо, щоб паливо з будівлі використалось для заправки судна. Вантажівки також будуть підвозити паливо для підтримки його на рівні зеленої відмітки."; building or machine "FuelStationHydrogenT1__name" = "FuelStationHydrogenT1__name"; Label above the game name column in the load & save; game is a set of save files in one session / folder "Game__Title" = "Game__Title"; Title of a setting that affects a new game difficulty. For instance 'amount of starting resources'. Check '_Tooltip' for more details explanation. "GameDiff__ComputingLow" = "GameDiff__ComputingLow"; Title of a setting that affects a new game difficulty. For instance 'amount of starting resources'. Check '_Tooltip' for more details explanation. "GameDiff__ConsumerBroken" = "GameDiff__ConsumerBroken"; Title of a setting that affects a new game difficulty. For instance 'amount of starting resources'. Check '_Tooltip' for more details explanation. "GameDiff__DeconstructionRefund" = "GameDiff__DeconstructionRefund"; Setting that affects a new game difficulty. For instance 'amount of starting resources'. "GameDiff__DeconstructionRefund_Tooltip" = "GameDiff__DeconstructionRefund_Tooltip"; Title of a setting that affects a new game difficulty. For instance 'amount of starting resources'. Check '_Tooltip' for more details explanation. "GameDiff__DiseaseMortalityDiff" = "GameDiff__DiseaseMortalityDiff"; Title of a setting that affects a new game difficulty. For instance 'amount of starting resources'. Check '_Tooltip' for more details explanation. "GameDiff__GroundwaterPumpLow" = "GameDiff__GroundwaterPumpLow"; Title of a setting that affects a new game difficulty. For instance 'amount of starting resources'. Check '_Tooltip' for more details explanation. "GameDiff__LoansDifficulty" = "GameDiff__LoansDifficulty"; Title of a setting that affects a new game difficulty. For instance 'amount of starting resources'. Check '_Tooltip' for more details explanation. "GameDiff__OreSorting" = "GameDiff__OreSorting"; Setting that affects a new game difficulty. For instance 'amount of starting resources'. "GameDiff__OreSorting_Tooltip" = "GameDiff__OreSorting_Tooltip"; Title of a setting that affects a new game difficulty. For instance 'amount of starting resources'. Check '_Tooltip' for more details explanation. "GameDiff__PollutionDiff" = "GameDiff__PollutionDiff"; Setting that affects a new game difficulty. For instance 'amount of starting resources'. "GameDiff__PollutionDiff_Tooltip" = "GameDiff__PollutionDiff_Tooltip"; Title of a setting that affects a new game difficulty. For instance 'amount of starting resources'. Check '_Tooltip' for more details explanation. "GameDiff__PowerLow" = "GameDiff__PowerLow"; Title of a setting that affects a new game difficulty. For instance 'amount of starting resources'. Check '_Tooltip' for more details explanation. "GameDiff__QuickActionsCostDiff" = "GameDiff__QuickActionsCostDiff"; Setting that affects a new game difficulty. For instance 'amount of starting resources'. "GameDiff__QuickActionsCostDiff_Tooltip" = "GameDiff__QuickActionsCostDiff_Tooltip"; Title of a setting that affects a new game difficulty. For instance 'amount of starting resources'. Check '_Tooltip' for more details explanation. Title of a setting that affects a new game difficulty. For instance 'amount of starting resources'. Check '_Tooltip' for more details explanation. "GameDiff__RainYieldDiff" = "Опади"; Title of a setting that affects a new game difficulty. For instance 'amount of starting resources'. Check '_Tooltip' for more details explanation. "GameDiff__ResearchCostDiff" = "GameDiff__ResearchCostDiff"; Setting that affects a new game difficulty. For instance 'amount of starting resources'. "GameDiff__ResearchCostDiff_Tooltip" = "GameDiff__ResearchCostDiff_Tooltip"; Title of a setting that affects a new game difficulty. For instance 'amount of starting resources'. Check '_Tooltip' for more details explanation. "GameDiff__ShipsNoFuel" = "GameDiff__ShipsNoFuel"; Title of a setting that affects a new game difficulty. For instance 'amount of starting resources'. Check '_Tooltip' for more details explanation. "GameDiff__SolarPowerDiff" = "GameDiff__SolarPowerDiff"; Setting that affects a new game difficulty. For instance 'amount of starting resources'. "GameDiff__SolarPowerDiff_Tooltip" = "GameDiff__SolarPowerDiff_Tooltip"; Title of a setting that affects a new game difficulty. For instance 'amount of starting resources'. Check '_Tooltip' for more details explanation. "GameDiff__Starvation" = "GameDiff__Starvation"; Title of a setting that affects a new game difficulty. For instance 'amount of starting resources'. Check '_Tooltip' for more details explanation. Title of a setting that affects a new game difficulty. For instance 'amount of starting resources'. Check '_Tooltip' for more details explanation. "GameDiff__UnityProductionDiff" = "Єдність"; Title of a setting that affects a new game difficulty. For instance 'amount of starting resources'. Check '_Tooltip' for more details explanation. "GameDiff__VehiclesNoFuel" = "GameDiff__VehiclesNoFuel"; Title of a setting that affects a new game difficulty. For instance 'amount of starting resources'. Check '_Tooltip' for more details explanation. "GameDiff__WorldMinesNoUnity" = "GameDiff__WorldMinesNoUnity"; description of difficulty setting (this is hard difficulty) "GameDifficulty__AdmiralDescription" = "GameDifficulty__AdmiralDescription"; description of game difficulty setting (this is easy difficulty) "GameDifficulty__EasyDescription" = "GameDifficulty__EasyDescription"; description of game difficulty setting (this is standard difficulty) "GameDifficulty__NormalDescription" = "GameDifficulty__NormalDescription"; message when game initialization failed on generic failure message when game initialization failed on generic failure "GameInitFail" = "Нам дуже шкода, але гра не ініціювалась. Будь-ласка, відправте нам звіт про помилку."; message when game initialization failed likely due to an installed mod "GameInitFail__Mod" = "GameInitFail__Mod"; message when game initialization failed doe to out-of-memory error "GameInitFail__OutOrMemory" = "GameInitFail__OutOrMemory"; Title for group of related game mechanics in the new game flow "GameMechanic__Casual" = "GameMechanic__Casual"; Title for the challenge group of game mechanics in the new game flow "GameMechanic__Challenges" = "GameMechanic__Challenges"; Title for group of related game mechanics in the new game flow "GameMechanic__Realism" = "GameMechanic__Realism"; shown when save file cannot be created. {0} is file path, {1} is error message "GameSaveLoad__CannotSaveFile" = "GameSaveLoad__CannotSaveFile"; shown when save file cannot be created. {0} is file path, {1} is error message "GameSaveLoad__CannotSaveFile_Crash" = "GameSaveLoad__CannotSaveFile_Crash"; message when game failed to load due to save version being too old message when game failed to load due to save version being too old "GameSaveLoad__VersionTooLow" = "Неможливо загрузити збережену гру. Файл створений у старішій версії гри ({0}), яка вже не підтримується."; pump name "GasInjectionPump__name" = "GasInjectionPump__name"; Time in a game shown in the details panel of the load & save window "GateTime__Detail" = "GateTime__Detail"; goal text, {0} - cargo dock, {1} - fluid module "Goal__BuildCargoDock" = "Goal__BuildCargoDock"; goal text, {0} - storage name, {1} - coal, {2} - boiler, {3} - conveyor belt "Goal__BuildCoalStorage" = "Goal__BuildCoalStorage"; goal text, {0} - storage, {1} - diesel, {2} - distiller "Goal__BuildDieselStorage" = "Goal__BuildDieselStorage"; goal text, {0} - farm "Goal__BuildFarm" = "Goal__BuildFarm"; goal text, {0} - fuel station, {1} - name of storage, {2} - diesel "Goal__BuildFuelStation" = "Goal__BuildFuelStation"; text for a goal, {0} replaced with the name of a housing unit "Goal__BuildHousing" = "Goal__BuildHousing"; title for set of goals "Goal__BuildResearchLab2__name" = "Goal__BuildResearchLab2__name"; title for set of goals "Goal__BuildSlagStorage__name" = "Goal__BuildSlagStorage__name"; goal text, {0} - name of storage, {1} - blast furnace, {2} - conveyor belt, {3} - name of product "Goal__BuildSlagStorage2" = "Goal__BuildSlagStorage2"; goal text, {0} - turbine, {1} - power generator, {2} - steam, {3} - boiler "Goal__BuildSteamTurbine" = "Goal__BuildSteamTurbine"; goal text, {0} - storage, {1} - product name "Goal__BuildStorage" = "Goal__BuildStorage"; goal text "Goal__BuildWasteCollection" = "Goal__BuildWasteCollection"; text for a goal, example use: 'Construct new Excavator' "Goal__ConstructVehicle" = "Goal__ConstructVehicle"; goal text, {0} - diesel "Goal__DisableImportToDieselStorage" = "Goal__DisableImportToDieselStorage"; text for a goal to dump a loose product (on the ground), {0} replaced with title of a product "Goal__Dump" = "Goal__Dump"; text for a goal to dump a liquid product (into ocean), {0} replaced with title of a product "Goal__DumpLiquid" = "Goal__DumpLiquid"; goal text, {0} replaced with ore name such as limestone or iron ore "Goal__EstablishMine" = "Goal__EstablishMine"; goal text, {0} - name of storage, {1} - slag "Goal__ExportFromSlagStorage" = "Goal__ExportFromSlagStorage"; text for a goal, example with replacements: 'Build a Mine control tower near iron ore deposit, assign Excavator and Pickup to it and set up mining designations.' "Goal__ForTower" = "Goal__ForTower"; goal text, {0} - storage name, {1} - coal "Goal__ImportToCoalStorage" = "Goal__ImportToCoalStorage"; title for set of goals "Goal__IronOreMining__name" = "Goal__IronOreMining__name"; title for set of goals "Goal__IronProduction__name" = "Goal__IronProduction__name"; goal text "Goal__LoadCrew" = "Goal__LoadCrew"; title for set of goals "Goal__Maintenance__name" = "Goal__Maintenance__name"; text for a goal, {0} replaced with title of a product "Goal__Mine" = "Goal__Mine"; title for set of goals "Goal__MineCoal__name" = "Goal__MineCoal__name"; goal text, {0} - beacon "Goal__PauseBeacon" = "Goal__PauseBeacon"; title for set of goals "Goal__PauseBeacon__name" = "Goal__PauseBeacon__name"; goal text, {0} - coal maker, {1} - wood "Goal__PauseCoalMaker" = "Goal__PauseCoalMaker"; title for set of goals "Goal__PopulationGrowth__name" = "Goal__PopulationGrowth__name"; title for set of goals "Goal__PowerFromCoal__name" = "Goal__PowerFromCoal__name"; text for a goal, {0} replaced with title of a product "Goal__Process" = "Goal__Process"; goal text, {0} - blast furnace, {1} - metal caster, {2} smoke stack "Goal__ProcessCopperOre" = "Goal__ProcessCopperOre"; goal text "Goal__ProcessIron" = "Goal__ProcessIron"; title for set of goals "Goal__ProcessIronOre__name" = "Goal__ProcessIronOre__name"; text for a goal, {0} replaced with title of a product "Goal__Produce" = "Goal__Produce"; goal text, {0}, {1} - name of assembly, {2} - name of construction parts II "Goal__ProduceCp2" = "Goal__ProduceCp2"; goal text, {0} - lab equipment, {1} - assembly "Goal__ProduceLabEquipment" = "Goal__ProduceLabEquipment"; text for a goal, {0} - iron scrap, {1} - radio station "Goal__ProduceScrap" = "Goal__ProduceScrap"; goal text, {0} replaced with fuel name - diesel "Goal__RefuelShip" = "Goal__RefuelShip"; goal text, {0} - cargo ship "Goal__RepairCargoShip" = "Goal__RepairCargoShip"; goal text, {0} - oil rig "Goal__RepairOilRig" = "Goal__RepairOilRig"; goal text "Goal__RepairShip" = "Goal__RepairShip"; goal text, {0} replaced with Shipyard "Goal__RepairShipyard" = "Goal__RepairShipyard"; text for a goal, {0} replaced with title of a node to research "Goal__Research" = "Goal__Research"; text for a goal, {0} replaced with title of a building / machine "Goal__ResearchAndBuild" = "Goal__ResearchAndBuild"; text for a goal, {0} replaced with title of a building / machine "Goal__ResearchAndUpgrade" = "Goal__ResearchAndUpgrade"; title for set of goals "Goal__RubberProduction__name" = "Goal__RubberProduction__name"; goal text, {0} - assembly, {1} - construction parts "Goal__SelectCpRecipe" = "Goal__SelectCpRecipe"; title for set of goals "Goal__SettlementWater__name" = "Goal__SettlementWater__name"; title for set of goals "Goal__SetupBricks__name" = "Goal__SetupBricks__name"; title for set of goals "Goal__SetupCp2__name" = "Goal__SetupCp2__name"; title for set of goals "Goal__SetupDiesel__name" = "Goal__SetupDiesel__name"; title for set of goals "Goal__SetupTradings__name" = "Goal__SetupTradings__name"; title for set of goals "Goal__SetupVehicleParts__name" = "Goal__SetupVehicleParts__name"; text for a goal, {0} replaced with title of a product "Goal__StartProducing" = "Goal__StartProducing"; title for set of goals "Goal__StockpileDiesel__name" = "Goal__StockpileDiesel__name"; title for set of goals "Goal__StockpileProducts__name" = "Goal__StockpileProducts__name"; goal text, {0} - bricks, {1} - iron "Goal__Trade" = "Goal__Trade"; goal text, {0} - Diesel, {1} - Medium oil "Goal__UseMediumOil" = "Goal__UseMediumOil"; text for a goal "Goal__WaitForRefugees" = "Goal__WaitForRefugees"; title for set of goals "Goal__WasteDumping__name" = "Goal__WasteDumping__name"; goal text, {0} - oil rig "Goal__WorldMine" = "Goal__WorldMine"; tooltip explaining that the current goal is long-term "Goal_TakeTime" = "Goal_TakeTime"; title of a button that shows / hides goals that are already completed "GoalShowCompleted__Action" = "GoalShowCompleted__Action"; title of a button that shows / hides goals that are locked (not available yet) "GoalShowLocked__Action" = "GoalShowLocked__Action"; title of a button that enables to skip the current goal / objective "GoalSkip__Action" = "GoalSkip__Action"; confirmation text of a dialog to skip a goal "GoalSkip__Confirmation" = "GoalSkip__Confirmation"; {0} = Maintenance depot "GoalTip__Maintenance" = "GoalTip__Maintenance"; "GoalTip_ActivateRecipe" = "GoalTip_ActivateRecipe"; "GoalTip_BeltsMotivation" = "GoalTip_BeltsMotivation"; "GoalTip_BuildMore" = "GoalTip_BuildMore"; "GoalTip_BuildNearShore" = "GoalTip_BuildNearShore"; {0} = liquid dump, {1} = distiller "GoalTip_ConnectWasteWithPipe" = "GoalTip_ConnectWasteWithPipe"; {0} = storage, {1} = off, {2} = vehicle import "GoalTip_DisableTruckImport" = "GoalTip_DisableTruckImport"; {0} = Shipyard "GoalTip_RefuelShip" = "GoalTip_RefuelShip"; {0} = iron ore "GoalTip_ReorderRecipes" = "GoalTip_ReorderRecipes"; name: Surface that can be placed on the ground outside. "Gold_TerrainSurface__name" = "Gold_TerrainSurface__name"; Map description "GoldenPeakStaticIslandMap__desc" = "GoldenPeakStaticIslandMap__desc"; Map name "GoldenPeakStaticIslandMap__name" = "GoldenPeakStaticIslandMap__name"; Button to advance to the next step or tab in a wizard "GoNext" = "GoNext"; tooltip of a button that allows the player to manually order vehicle to go somewhere "GoTo__Tooltip" = "GoTo__Tooltip"; button that takes player a window that shows contracts overview "GoToContracts" = "GoToContracts"; policy / edict which can enabled by the player in their Captain's office. "GrowthPause__desc" = "GrowthPause__desc"; policy / edict which can enabled by the player in their Captain's office. "GrowthPause__name" = "GrowthPause__name"; "HeadquartersT1__desc" = "HeadquartersT1__desc"; example use 'Also adds +100% increase in quick trade volume' "HeadquartersT1__QuickTrade__desc" = "HeadquartersT1__QuickTrade__desc"; title of a panel showing health overview or statistics of people on the island "Health" = "Health"; tooltip "Health__Tooltip" = "Health__Tooltip"; policy / edict which can enabled by the player in their Captain's office. {0}=15% "HealthBonus__desc" = "HealthBonus__desc"; policy / edict which can enabled by the player in their Captain's office. "HealthBonus__name" = "HealthBonus__name"; name: name of a settlement service provided to pops "HealthCareNeed__name" = "HealthCareNeed__name"; name "HealthPointsCat_AirPollution__name" = "HealthPointsCat_AirPollution__name"; name "HealthPointsCat_AirPollutionShips__name" = "HealthPointsCat_AirPollutionShips__name"; name "HealthPointsCat_AirPollutionVehicles__name" = "HealthPointsCat_AirPollutionVehicles__name"; name "HealthPointsCat_Disease__name" = "HealthPointsCat_Disease__name"; name "HealthPointsCat_Edicts__name" = "HealthPointsCat_Edicts__name"; name "HealthPointsCat_Food__name" = "HealthPointsCat_Food__name"; name "HealthPointsCat_Healthcare__name" = "HealthPointsCat_Healthcare__name"; name "HealthPointsCat_LandfillPollution__name" = "HealthPointsCat_LandfillPollution__name"; name "HealthPointsCat_WasteInSettlement__name" = "HealthPointsCat_WasteInSettlement__name"; name "HealthPointsCat_WaterPollution__name" = "HealthPointsCat_WaterPollution__name"; short description "Hospital__desc" = "Hospital__desc"; tooltip for Hospital_MortalityReduction "Hospital_InputsTooltip" = "Hospital_InputsTooltip"; shows a mortality reduction provided by a hospital, example use: 'Morality reduction: 1.5%' "Hospital_MortalityReduction" = "Hospital_MortalityReduction"; tooltip for Hospital_MortalityReduction "Hospital_MortalityReductionTooltip" = "Hospital_MortalityReductionTooltip"; policy / edict which can enabled by the player in their Captain's office. {0}=15% "HouseholdAppliancesConsumptionIncrease__desc" = "HouseholdAppliancesConsumptionIncrease__desc"; policy / edict which can enabled by the player in their Captain's office. "HouseholdAppliancesConsumptionIncrease__name" = "HouseholdAppliancesConsumptionIncrease__name"; name: name of a settlement service provided to pops "HouseholdAppliancesNeed__name" = "HouseholdAppliancesNeed__name"; policy / edict which can enabled by the player in their Captain's office. {0}=15% "HouseholdGoodsConsumptionIncrease__desc" = "HouseholdGoodsConsumptionIncrease__desc"; policy / edict which can enabled by the player in their Captain's office. "HouseholdGoodsConsumptionIncrease__name" = "HouseholdGoodsConsumptionIncrease__name"; explaining how settlement housing can be placed "Housing_AttachmentDesc__desc" = "Housing_AttachmentDesc__desc"; label of a chart showing total housing capacity "HousingCap" = "HousingCap"; "ImportantAnnouncementTitle" = "ImportantAnnouncementTitle"; message shown when blueprint string failed to import "ImportBlueprint__Fail" = "ImportBlueprint__Fail"; message shown when blueprint was successfully imported "ImportBlueprint__Success" = "ImportBlueprint__Success"; title of a dialog that allows to import blueprint from a string "ImportBlueprint__Title" = "ImportBlueprint__Title"; toggle button title, more info in ImportRoutesEnforce__Tooltip "ImportRoutesEnforce__Title" = "ImportRoutesEnforce__Title"; tooltip "ImportRoutesEnforce__Tooltip" = "ImportRoutesEnforce__Tooltip"; title of a panel configuring custom import routes for trucks "ImportRoutesTitle" = "ImportRoutesTitle"; short description of a machine "IncinerationPlant__desc" = "IncinerationPlant__desc"; name of a machine "IncinerationPlant__name" = "IncinerationPlant__name"; tooltip for a button that increases priority for the current recipe by moving it higher in the list. Keep short. "IncreasePriority" = "IncreasePriority"; tooltip "IndividualFoodSupply__Tooltip" = "IndividualFoodSupply__Tooltip"; name of a machine "IndustrialMixerT2__name" = "IndustrialMixerT2__name"; short description "InfectionDisease__desc" = "InfectionDisease__desc"; name "InfectionDisease__name" = "InfectionDisease__name"; explains that settlement has the current disease because its waste collection is poor "InfectionDisease_Reason" = "InfectionDisease_Reason"; Map description "InsulaMortis__desc" = "InsulaMortis__desc"; map name, this name means 'Island of death' in latin. If your language uses similar alphabet to latin, no need to translate this "InsulaMortis__name" = "InsulaMortis__name"; notification "InvalidExportRoute__name" = "InvalidExportRoute__name"; "InvalidExportRouteSuffix" = "InvalidExportRouteSuffix"; notification "InvalidImportRoute__name" = "InvalidImportRoute__name"; "InvalidImportRouteSuffix" = "InvalidImportRouteSuffix"; label explaining how difficult a selected island map is (this is the easiest one) "IslandMapDifficulty__Easy" = "IslandMapDifficulty__Easy"; tooltip explaining how difficult a selected island map is "IslandMapDifficulty__EasyTooltip" = "IslandMapDifficulty__EasyTooltip"; tooltip explaining how difficult a selected island map is "IslandMapDifficulty__HardTooltip" = "IslandMapDifficulty__HardTooltip"; label explaining how difficult a selected island map is (this is the hardest one) "IslandMapDifficulty__Insane" = "IslandMapDifficulty__Insane"; tooltip explaining how difficult a selected island map is "IslandMapDifficulty__InsaneTooltip" = "IslandMapDifficulty__InsaneTooltip"; label explaining how difficult a selected island map is "IslandMapDifficulty__Medium" = "IslandMapDifficulty__Medium"; tooltip explaining how difficult a selected island map is "IslandMapDifficulty__MediumTooltip" = "IslandMapDifficulty__MediumTooltip"; label for a key-binding "Kb_ApplyChanges__label" = "Kb_ApplyChanges__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_ClearDesignation__label" = "Kb_ClearDesignation__label"; label for a key-binding that does: Hold while copying structures to exclude copying their configuration "Kb_CopyExcludingSettings__label" = "Kb_CopyExcludingSettings__label"; tooltip for a key-binding: Copy without configuration "Kb_CopyExcludingSettings__tooltip" = "Kb_CopyExcludingSettings__tooltip"; label for a key-binding "Kb_DecreaseGameSpeed__label" = "Kb_DecreaseGameSpeed__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_DeleteEntireTransport__label" = "Kb_DeleteEntireTransport__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_DeleteWithQuickRemove__label" = "Kb_DeleteWithQuickRemove__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_Flip__label" = "Kb_Flip__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_FreeLookMode__label" = "Kb_FreeLookMode__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_IncreaseGameSpeed__label" = "Kb_IncreaseGameSpeed__label"; label for a key-binding that does: "Kb_JumpToCameraPosition1__label" = "Kb_JumpToCameraPosition1__label"; label for a key-binding that does: "Kb_JumpToCameraPosition2__label" = "Kb_JumpToCameraPosition2__label"; label for a key-binding that does: "Kb_JumpToCameraPosition3__label" = "Kb_JumpToCameraPosition3__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_LiftSnapping__label" = "Kb_LiftSnapping__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_LowerDown__label" = "Kb_LowerDown__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_MoveDown__label" = "Kb_MoveDown__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_MoveLeft__label" = "Kb_MoveLeft__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_MoveRight__label" = "Kb_MoveRight__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_MoveUp__label" = "Kb_MoveUp__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_PanCamera__label" = "Kb_PanCamera__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_PanSpeedBoost__label" = "Kb_PanSpeedBoost__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_PauseGame__label" = "Kb_PauseGame__label"; label for a key-binding that does: Hold to make the pause tool to only pause things instead of automatically toggling pause. "Kb_PauseMore__label" = "Kb_PauseMore__label"; tooltip for a key-binding: Pause only "Kb_PauseMore__tooltip" = "Kb_PauseMore__tooltip"; label for a key-binding "Kb_PhotoModeRotation__label" = "Kb_PhotoModeRotation__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_PhotoModeTakePicture__label" = "Kb_PhotoModeTakePicture__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_PlaceMultiple__label" = "Kb_PlaceMultiple__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_PrimaryAction__label" = "Kb_PrimaryAction__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_RaiseUp__label" = "Kb_RaiseUp__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_Redo__label" = "Kb_Redo__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_Rotate__label" = "Kb_Rotate__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_RotateClockwise__label" = "Kb_RotateClockwise__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_RotateCounterClockwise__label" = "Kb_RotateCounterClockwise__label"; label for a key-binding that does: "Kb_SaveCameraPosition1__label" = "Kb_SaveCameraPosition1__label"; label for a key-binding that does: "Kb_SaveCameraPosition2__label" = "Kb_SaveCameraPosition2__label"; label for a key-binding that does: "Kb_SaveCameraPosition3__label" = "Kb_SaveCameraPosition3__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_Search__label" = "Kb_Search__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_SecondaryAction__label" = "Kb_SecondaryAction__label"; label for a key-binding that does: "Kb_SetGameSpeedTo0__label" = "Kb_SetGameSpeedTo0__label"; label for a key-binding that does: "Kb_SetGameSpeedTo1__label" = "Kb_SetGameSpeedTo1__label"; label for a key-binding that does: "Kb_SetGameSpeedTo2__label" = "Kb_SetGameSpeedTo2__label"; label for a key-binding that does: "Kb_SetGameSpeedTo3__label" = "Kb_SetGameSpeedTo3__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_ToggleBlueprints__label" = "Kb_ToggleBlueprints__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_ToggleCaptainsOffice__label" = "Kb_ToggleCaptainsOffice__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_ToggleCloneConfigTool__label" = "Kb_ToggleCloneConfigTool__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_ToggleConsole__label" = "Kb_ToggleConsole__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_ToggleCopyTool__label" = "Kb_ToggleCopyTool__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_ToggleCutTool__label" = "Kb_ToggleCutTool__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_ToggleDeleteTool__label" = "Kb_ToggleDeleteTool__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_ToggleDumpingTool__label" = "Kb_ToggleDumpingTool__label"; label for a key-binding that does: Will also insta-copy on press while you are hovering over an entity "Kb_ToggleInstaCopyTool__label" = "Kb_ToggleInstaCopyTool__label"; tooltip for a key-binding: Copy (insta-copy) "Kb_ToggleInstaCopyTool__tooltip" = "Kb_ToggleInstaCopyTool__tooltip"; label for a key-binding that does: Will also insta-cut on press while you are hovering over an entity "Kb_ToggleInstaCutTool__label" = "Kb_ToggleInstaCutTool__label"; tooltip for a key-binding: Cut (insta-cut) "Kb_ToggleInstaCutTool__tooltip" = "Kb_ToggleInstaCutTool__tooltip"; label for a key-binding "Kb_ToggleLevelingTool__label" = "Kb_ToggleLevelingTool__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_ToggleMap__label" = "Kb_ToggleMap__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_ToggleMiningTool__label" = "Kb_ToggleMiningTool__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_TogglePauseTool__label" = "Kb_TogglePauseTool__label"; label for a key-binding that does: Photo mode allows taking high-quality screenshots (better quality than default screen-grab). "Kb_TogglePhotoMode__label" = "Kb_TogglePhotoMode__label"; tooltip for a key-binding: Toggle photo mode "Kb_TogglePhotoMode__tooltip" = "Kb_TogglePhotoMode__tooltip"; label for a key-binding "Kb_TogglePlanningMode__label" = "Kb_TogglePlanningMode__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_TogglePricePopup__label" = "Kb_TogglePricePopup__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_TogglePropsRemovalTool__label" = "Kb_TogglePropsRemovalTool__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_ToggleRecipesBook__label" = "Kb_ToggleRecipesBook__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_ToggleResearchWindow__label" = "Kb_ToggleResearchWindow__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_ToggleResVis__label" = "Kb_ToggleResVis__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_ToggleStats__label" = "Kb_ToggleStats__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_ToggleSurfacingTool__label" = "Kb_ToggleSurfacingTool__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_ToggleTradePanel__label" = "Kb_ToggleTradePanel__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_ToggleTransportMenu__label" = "Kb_ToggleTransportMenu__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_ToggleTreeHarvestingTool__label" = "Kb_ToggleTreeHarvestingTool__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_ToggleTutorials__label" = "Kb_ToggleTutorials__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_ToggleUnityTool__label" = "Kb_ToggleUnityTool__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_ToggleUpgradeTool__label" = "Kb_ToggleUpgradeTool__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_TransportNoTurn__label" = "Kb_TransportNoTurn__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_TransportPortsBlocking__label" = "Kb_TransportPortsBlocking__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_TransportSnapping__label" = "Kb_TransportSnapping__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_TransportTieBreak__label" = "Kb_TransportTieBreak__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_Undo__label" = "Kb_Undo__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_ZoomIn__label" = "Kb_ZoomIn__label"; label for a key-binding "Kb_ZoomOut__label" = "Kb_ZoomOut__label"; shown next to right click icon to indicate how to edit keybindings "KeybindingHowToClear" = "KeybindingHowToClear"; shown next to left click icon to indicate how to edit keybindings "KeybindingHowToEdit" = "KeybindingHowToEdit"; notification "LabMissingInputProducts__name" = "LabMissingInputProducts__name"; research lab is missing input products "LabStatus__MissingInput" = "LabStatus__MissingInput"; name: toolbar category name "landmarksCategory__name" = "landmarksCategory__name"; Number of rocket launches shown in the details panel of the load & save window "Launches__Detail" = "Launches__Detail"; title of a buffer showing the state of fuel in launchpad's attached rocket "LaunchPad_FuelTitle" = "LaunchPad_FuelTitle"; option to toggle to launch rockets automatically when they are ready "LaunchPad_Launch__AutoStart" = "LaunchPad_Launch__AutoStart"; Shown at then end of countdown when rocket lifts off "LaunchPad_Launch__LiftOff" = "LaunchPad_Launch__LiftOff"; starts countdown and launches the current rocket "LaunchPad_Launch__Start" = "LaunchPad_Launch__Start"; title of a panel to control rocket launch "LaunchPad_Launch__Title" = "LaunchPad_Launch__Title"; title of a panel showing unity given per rocket launch "LaunchPad_UnityPerLaunch" = "LaunchPad_UnityPerLaunch"; title of a water storage buffer in a launch pad, this water is used during launch to suppress vibrations and strong sound waves. "LaunchPad_WaterBufferTitle" = "LaunchPad_WaterBufferTitle"; small machine connected to transport belts that allows moving products vertically "LiftFlat__desc" = "LiftFlat__desc"; small machine that allows raising / lowering units of solid products vertically "LiftFlat__name" = "LiftFlat__name"; small machine connected to transport belts that allows moving products vertically "LiftLoose__desc" = "LiftLoose__desc"; small machine that allows raising / lowering loose products vertically "LiftLoose__name" = "LiftLoose__name"; name "LimestoneMine__name" = "LimestoneMine__name"; Error shown for corrupt or invalid files "LoadDisabled__Corrupted" = "LoadDisabled__Corrupted"; tooltip "LoadDisabled__Error" = "LoadDisabled__Error"; tooltip "LoadDisabled__ModsMissing" = "LoadDisabled__ModsMissing"; {0} will be replaced with 'Settings' (Settings_Title) "LoadDisabled__ModsNotEnabled" = "LoadDisabled__ModsNotEnabled"; status explaining that something is just being loaded (e.g. blueprint library) "LoadInProgress" = "LoadInProgress"; Button that allows player to borrow products via loan. "Loan_Borrow__Action" = "Loan_Borrow__Action"; Tooltip for a button that accepts a loan "Loan_Borrow__Tooltip" = "Loan_Borrow__Tooltip"; used as 'Borrow: [text field to type how much quantity]' "Loan_BorrowFieldLabel" = "Loan_BorrowFieldLabel"; Arbitrary sore showing trust worthiness of the player with regards to loans "Loan_CreditScore" = "Loan_CreditScore"; Tooltip for loans credit score "Loan_CreditScore__Tooltip" = "Loan_CreditScore__Tooltip"; how much player owes, used as: 'debt: 100' "Loan_Debt" = "Loan_Debt"; Tooltip for loan duration "Loan_DurationTooltip" = "Loan_DurationTooltip"; Loan fee, how much extra needs to be paid when taking a loan "Loan_Fee" = "Loan_Fee"; Tooltip for loan fee "Loan_Fee__Tooltip" = "Loan_Fee__Tooltip"; Loan interest rate "Loan_InterestRate" = "Loan_InterestRate"; Tooltip for loan interest rate "Loan_InterestRate__Tooltip" = "Loan_InterestRate__Tooltip"; Total interest paid on the current loan so far plus extra interest added to the existing debt (used as label to show the quantity). "Loan_InterestSoFar" = "Loan_InterestSoFar"; total lifetime interest player might pay for the current loan "Loan_LifetimeInterest" = "Loan_LifetimeInterest"; Maximum number of loans, keep short, please :) "Loan_MaxLoans" = "Loan_MaxLoans"; Tooltip for maximum number of loans "Loan_MaxLoans__Tooltip" = "Loan_MaxLoans__Tooltip"; Tooltip for maximum borrowable amount "Loan_MaxToBorrowTooltip" = "Loan_MaxToBorrowTooltip"; Loan volume multiplier, keep short, please :) "Loan_Multiplier" = "Loan_Multiplier"; Tooltip for loan volume multiplier "Loan_Multiplier__Tooltip" = "Loan_Multiplier__Tooltip"; Title of a panel showing the option to take a new loan. "Loan_NewLoan" = "Loan_NewLoan"; used as: 'Next payment: [date]', keep short. Note: Player pays in products not in money. "Loan_NextPayment" = "Loan_NextPayment"; tooltip explaining how payments are being paid "Loan_NextPayment__Tooltip" = "Loan_NextPayment__Tooltip"; preposition indicating a duration within which an action occurs. used as: 'Loan_NextPayment: [X product_icon] in [20 days]'. "Loan_NextPaymentIn" = "Loan_NextPaymentIn"; "Loan_NotAvailable__LowProduction" = "Loan_NotAvailable__LowProduction"; "Loan_NotAvailable__MaxLoans" = "Loan_NotAvailable__MaxLoans"; {0} is replaced with quantity value (number) "Loan_NotAvailable__QuantityHigh" = "Loan_NotAvailable__QuantityHigh"; {0} is replaced with quantity value (number) "Loan_NotAvailable__QuantityLow" = "Loan_NotAvailable__QuantityLow"; Shown next to a loan that is overdue (player is behind with payments) "Loan_Overdue" = "Loan_Overdue"; Shown when a product buffer is not accepting any products at the moment. "Loan_PaymentBuffer__Closed" = "Loan_PaymentBuffer__Closed"; example use: 'Repayment buffer opens 6 months before each payment. This one opens in 30 days.' "Loan_PaymentBuffer__ClosedTooltip" = "Loan_PaymentBuffer__ClosedTooltip"; tooltip for payment buffer import priority "Loan_PaymentBuffer__PriorityToggle" = "Loan_PaymentBuffer__PriorityToggle"; title of panel showing list of active loan payments buffer in trade dock, more context in Loan_PaymentBuffers__Tooltip "Loan_PaymentBuffers__Title" = "Loan_PaymentBuffers__Title"; "Loan_PaymentBuffers__Tooltip" = "Loan_PaymentBuffers__Tooltip"; see Loan_PayPerYear__part2, used like this: 'Pay [X product_icon] each year for the duration of: [number of years dropdown]' "Loan_PayPerYear__part1" = "Loan_PayPerYear__part1"; see Loan_PayPerYear__part1, used like this: 'Pay [X product_icon] each year for the duration of: [number of years dropdown]' "Loan_PayPerYear__part2" = "Loan_PayPerYear__part2"; Tooltip explaining where lent products will end up "Loan_ProductsDeliveryTooltip" = "Loan_ProductsDeliveryTooltip"; The remaining lifetime interest to be paid on a loan (used as label to show the quantity). "Loan_RemainingInterest" = "Loan_RemainingInterest"; button to repay part of a loan (player pays with products, not with money) "Loan_Repay__Action" = "Loan_Repay__Action"; tooltip shown when player does not enter a valid number "Loan_Repay__InvalidQuantity" = "Loan_Repay__InvalidQuantity"; tooltip explaining that player does not have enough of products to make a loan payment "Loan_Repay__LackOfProducts" = "Loan_Repay__LackOfProducts"; tooltip "Loan_Repay__Tooltip" = "Loan_Repay__Tooltip"; the date this loan started, used as 'start date: [date]' "Loan_StartDate" = "Loan_StartDate"; The starting balance of this loan, used as 'Starting loan: 500' "Loan_StartingLoan" = "Loan_StartingLoan"; used as: '10 Years | Left', to explain how many years until loan is repaid. "Loan_TimeLeft" = "Loan_TimeLeft"; notification, any strings in curly braces { } must be preserved and non-translated "LoanPaymentDelayed__name" = "LoanPaymentDelayed__name"; notification, any strings in curly braces { } must be preserved and non-translated "LoanPaymentFailed__name" = "LoanPaymentFailed__name"; title of a panel showing currently active loans (loans that player has to pay) "Loans_Active" = "Loans_Active"; title of a panel listing all the products the player can borrow from the currently selected world map settlement "Loans_ProductsToLend" = "Loans_ProductsToLend"; title of a window that provides loans to the player (player can borrow products from other settlements) "Loans_Title" = "Loans_Title"; "Loans_Title__Tooltip" = "Loans_Title__Tooltip"; a difficulty option for loans, this is the easiest "LoansSetting__Easy" = "LoansSetting__Easy"; a difficulty option for loans, this is the hardest (although not really severe) "LoansSetting__Hard" = "LoansSetting__Hard"; Example use: 350 km away from our Island "Location_Distance" = "Location_Distance"; example usage: 2 ships with battle score: 280 "Location_EnemyScore" = "Location_EnemyScore"; Example use: This location has Oil rig "Location_HasEntity" = "Location_HasEntity"; shown in a location and explains that player's ship is on its way there "Location_ShipOnWay" = "Location_ShipOnWay"; Amount of time a difficulty setting is locked for, {0} will be a string like "2 years" or "4 months" "LockedFor__Tooltip" = "LockedFor__Tooltip"; rendering setting name "LodBiasRenderingSetting__Name" = "LodBiasRenderingSetting__Name"; tooltip of a panel allowing to configure if trucks can import into the selected machine / building "LogisticsControl__InputTooltip" = "LogisticsControl__InputTooltip"; tooltip of a panel allowing to configure if trucks can export from the selected machine / building "LogisticsControl__OutputTooltip" = "LogisticsControl__OutputTooltip"; shows how busy vehicles are, more info can be found in LogisticsStatus__Tooltip "LogisticsStatus__Busy" = "LogisticsStatus__Busy"; shows how busy vehicles are, more info can be found in LogisticsStatus__Tooltip "LogisticsStatus__ExtremelyBusy" = "LogisticsStatus__ExtremelyBusy"; shows how busy vehicles are. This status means that logistics is totally fine. More info can be found in LogisticsStatus__Tooltip "LogisticsStatus__Stable" = "LogisticsStatus__Stable"; tooltip "LogisticsStatus__Tooltip" = "LogisticsStatus__Tooltip"; shows how busy vehicles are, more info can be found in LogisticsStatus__Tooltip "LogisticsStatus__VeryBusy" = "LogisticsStatus__VeryBusy"; short description: small machine that allows sorting of products "LooseConveyorSorter__desc" = "LooseConveyorSorter__desc"; name: small machine that allows sorting of products "LooseConveyorSorter__name" = "LooseConveyorSorter__name"; notification "LowFoodSupply__name" = "LowFoodSupply__name"; example: 'Made in version: 1.0.0' "MadeInVersion" = "MadeInVersion"; button to subscribe for our updates "MailingList" = "MailingList"; short description "Mainframe__desc" = "Mainframe__desc"; name "Mainframe__name" = "Mainframe__name"; name "MaintenanceDepotT3__name" = "MaintenanceDepotT3__name"; button to click on to change the designation that is managed by the selected forestry tower "ManagedDesignation__EditAction" = "ManagedDesignation__EditAction"; Informs the player that game is being saved (as player requested) "ManualSaveInProgress" = "ManualSaveInProgress"; To show the island map name, used like this: 'Map New Haven "Map" = "Map"; Shows the total flat area of an island. Flat are considered areas that have no cliffs or mountains and can be used for construction. Example of use: 'Flat area 2.1 km²' "MapArea__Flat" = "MapArea__Flat"; Shows the total area of an island (excluding ocean). Example of use: 'Land area 2.1 km²' "MapArea__Land" = "MapArea__Land"; Dimensions of the entire map (including ocean), shown next to "{x} x {y} km" value "MapArea__Total" = "MapArea__Total"; shown when the current map file is probably corrupted. "MapInvalid" = "MapInvalid"; "MapleTree__desc" = "MapleTree__desc"; "MapleTreeDry__desc" = "MapleTreeDry__desc"; Tooltip explaining resources toggle in the map selection screen, {0} replaced with number. "MapResources_EasyToReach_Tooltip" = "MapResources_EasyToReach_Tooltip"; Label for a checkbox in the "Map resources" section of the map selection tab of the new game wizard that toggles preview of resource locations on the map "MapResources_ShowPins" = "MapResources_ShowPins"; Label for a checkbox on the fullscreen map view that toggles preview of resource locations on the map "MapResources_ShowPinsTooltip" = "MapResources_ShowPinsTooltip"; Title shown above the map's resources in the map selection tab of the new game flow "MapResources_Title" = "MapResources_Title"; shows map area, e.g. '1.2 × 1.4 km', use the × character, not a letter x. "MapSize_XY" = "MapSize_XY"; text showing how many matches were found for a search query "MatchesFound" = "MatchesFound"; describes a chart that visualizes maximal production capacity, e.g. for electricity or computing "MaxCapacity" = "MaxCapacity"; item of a game mechanic "Mechanic_Casual__InfiniteMines" = "Mechanic_Casual__InfiniteMines"; item of a game mechanic "Mechanic_Casual__LogisticsPower" = "Mechanic_Casual__LogisticsPower"; title of a game mechanic "Mechanic_Casual__Title" = "Mechanic_Casual__Title"; item of a game mechanic "Mechanic_Casual__WorldMines" = "Mechanic_Casual__WorldMines"; item of a game mechanic "Mechanic_OreSorting__OreSorting" = "Mechanic_OreSorting__OreSorting"; title of a game mechanic "Mechanic_OreSorting__Title" = "Mechanic_OreSorting__Title"; item of a game mechanic "Mechanic_Realism__Pumps" = "Mechanic_Realism__Pumps"; item of a game mechanic "Mechanic_Realism__ShipsFuel" = "Mechanic_Realism__ShipsFuel"; item of a game mechanic "Mechanic_Realism__Starvation" = "Mechanic_Realism__Starvation"; title of a game mechanic "Mechanic_Realism__Title" = "Mechanic_Realism__Title"; item of a game mechanic "Mechanic_Realism__VehiclesFuel" = "Mechanic_Realism__VehiclesFuel"; item of a game mechanic "Mechanic_RealismPlus__BrokenConsumers" = "Mechanic_RealismPlus__BrokenConsumers"; item of a game mechanic "Mechanic_RealismPlus__LogisticsPower" = "Mechanic_RealismPlus__LogisticsPower"; item of a game mechanic "Mechanic_RealismPlus__QuickRepair" = "Mechanic_RealismPlus__QuickRepair"; title of a game mechanic "Mechanic_RealismPlus__Title" = "Mechanic_RealismPlus__Title"; title of a game mechanic "Mechanic_ReducedWorldMines__Title" = "Mechanic_ReducedWorldMines__Title"; item of a game mechanic "Mechanic_ReducedWorldMines__WorldMines" = "Mechanic_ReducedWorldMines__WorldMines"; item of a game mechanic "Mechanic_ResourcesBoost__ExtraMaterials" = "Mechanic_ResourcesBoost__ExtraMaterials"; item of a game mechanic "Mechanic_ResourcesBoost__InfiniteMines" = "Mechanic_ResourcesBoost__InfiniteMines"; item of a game mechanic "Mechanic_ResourcesBoost__Refund" = "Mechanic_ResourcesBoost__Refund"; title of a game mechanic "Mechanic_ResourcesBoost__Title" = "Mechanic_ResourcesBoost__Title"; title for difficulty settings affecting game mechanics "Mechanics" = "Mechanics"; button to edit advanced game difficulty settings in-game "Menu__DifficultySettings" = "Menu__DifficultySettings"; Label for a button that opens game's discord, keep short! "Menu__Discord" = "Menu__Discord"; button to click on to open a map editor "Menu__MapEditor" = "Menu__MapEditor"; rendering setting name "MenusFpsLimitRenderingSetting__Name" = "MenusFpsLimitRenderingSetting__Name"; name of tutorial group about food production "MessageGroupFoodProduction__name" = "MessageGroupFoodProduction__name"; name of tutorial group about general topics "MessageGroupGeneral__name" = "MessageGroupGeneral__name"; name of tutorial group for initial tutorials "MessageGroupGettingStarted__name" = "MessageGroupGettingStarted__name"; name of tutorial group about logistics (truck, belts, ships) "MessageGroupLogistics__name" = "MessageGroupLogistics__name"; name of tutorial group about settlements "MessageGroupSettlement__name" = "MessageGroupSettlement__name"; name of tutorial group about terraforming (mining, dumping) "MessageGroupTerraforming__name" = "MessageGroupTerraforming__name"; name of tutorial group about game tools (copy, paste, pause) "MessageGroupTools__name" = "MessageGroupTools__name"; name of messages group for warnings "MessageGroupWarnings__name" = "MessageGroupWarnings__name"; name of tutorial group about world map (world settlements, exploration, ships) "MessageGroupWorld__name" = "MessageGroupWorld__name"; victory message (part 1) "MessageOnVictory__part1" = "MessageOnVictory__part1"; victory message (part 2) "MessageOnVictory__part2" = "MessageOnVictory__part2"; victory message (part 3) "MessageOnVictory__part3" = "MessageOnVictory__part3"; victory message caption "MessageOnVictory__title" = "MessageOnVictory__title"; {0} = Construction parts "MessageWelcome__part2V2" = "MessageWelcome__part2V2"; "MessageWelcome__part3V2" = "MessageWelcome__part3V2"; {0} = Research Lab "MessageWelcome__part4V2" = "MessageWelcome__part4V2"; {0} = Trading Dock "MessageWelcome__part5" = "MessageWelcome__part5"; "MessageWelcome__part6" = "MessageWelcome__part6"; Surface that can be placed on the ground outside. "Metal_TerrainSurface" = "Metal_TerrainSurface"; description of a machine. For the curious ones :) => "MicrochipMachine__desc" = "MicrochipMachine__desc"; name of a machine "MicrochipMachineT2__name" = "MicrochipMachineT2__name"; explains that there are currently no products selected in the notification filter "MineTowerNotifyFilter__Empty" = "MineTowerNotifyFilter__Empty"; title of a panel that configures notification filter. If a truck has a product which is in this filter and cannot deliver it, we show a notification "MineTowerNotifyFilter__Title" = "MineTowerNotifyFilter__Title"; tooltip of a panel that configures notification filter. If a truck has product in this filter assigned and cannot deliver it, we show a notification "MineTowerNotifyFilter__Tooltip" = "MineTowerNotifyFilter__Tooltip"; Tooltip shown for missing mods in the details panel of the load & save window "ModMissing__Tooltip" = "ModMissing__Tooltip"; title of a panel showing list of available mods that are not yet used in the current save file "ModsAvailable__Title" = "ModsAvailable__Title"; tooltip "ModsAvailable__Tooltip" = "ModsAvailable__Tooltip"; List of mods required to load the selected save file shown in the details panel of the load & save window "ModsInSave__Detail" = "ModsInSave__Detail"; tooltip "ModsInSave__Tooltip" = "ModsInSave__Tooltip"; title of settings affecting nature - trees, crops growth "Nature" = "Nature"; tooltip suffix that explains that player can navigate through all the results by pressing {0} key "NavigateTo__KeyHint" = "NavigateTo__KeyHint"; tooltip for button that navigates to the next search result "NavigateTo__Next" = "NavigateTo__Next"; tooltip for button that navigates to the previous search result "NavigateTo__Previous" = "NavigateTo__Previous"; placeholder for a title when a new blueprint is created, e.g. 'Blueprint #2' "NewBlueprintTitlePlaceholder" = "NewBlueprintTitlePlaceholder"; notification, any strings in curly braces { } must be preserved and non-translated notification "NewErrorOccurred__name" = "Сталася нова помилка"; tooltip of a button that creates a new folder "NewFolder__Tooltip" = "NewFolder__Tooltip"; placeholder for a title when a new folder is created, e.g. 'New folder #2' "NewFolderTitlePlaceholder" = "NewFolderTitlePlaceholder"; In new game wizard. Title of the tab where you configure game options "NewGameWizard__Customization" = "NewGameWizard__Customization"; In new game wizard. Label for the game name entry field "NewGameWizard__GameName" = "NewGameWizard__GameName"; Shown when we fail to write a testing save file to a save folder before starting the new game "NewGameWizard__GameName__FailedToWrite" = "NewGameWizard__GameName__FailedToWrite"; In new game wizard. Warning shown next to the game name entry field when the name is already used "NewGameWizard__GameName__InUse" = "NewGameWizard__GameName__InUse"; In new game wizard. Warning shown next to the game name entry field when the name contains invalid characters. "NewGameWizard__GameName__InvalidChars" = "NewGameWizard__GameName__InvalidChars"; Button that launches a new game Button that launches a new game "NewGameWizard__Launch" = "Розпочати нову гру"; In new game wizard. Title of the tab where you configure optional game meachanics "NewGameWizard__Mechanics" = "NewGameWizard__Mechanics"; notification "NoForestryDesignInTowerArea__name" = "NoForestryDesignInTowerArea__name"; Message shown in empty dropdowns "NoOptions" = "NoOptions"; notification "NoProductAssignedToEntity__name" = "NoProductAssignedToEntity__name"; shown when nothing is found for a search query. "NothingFound" = "NothingFound"; notification text when new world map location is explored "Notification__LocationExplored" = "Notification__LocationExplored"; notification text when refugees arrive to the island "Notification__NewRefugees" = "Notification__NewRefugees"; notification text when research is completed, {0} is research name "Notification__ResearchComplete" = "Notification__ResearchComplete"; notification text when player's ship gets into a battle (with pirates ships) "Notification__ShipInBattle" = "Notification__ShipInBattle"; mute notifications audio "Notifications__Mute" = "Notifications__Mute"; explains that there are no new notifications "Notifications__NoNew" = "Notifications__NoNew"; unmute notifications audio "Notifications__Unmute" = "Notifications__Unmute"; Toggles whether the player should get notified in case the farm has no space in its output to store harvested crop and has to throw it away. "NotifyIfFarmBufferFull" = "NotifyIfFarmBufferFull"; text of a toggle button for a low reserve notification on a ground water pump or oil pump. "NotifyOnLowReserve" = "NotifyOnLowReserve"; notification "NoTreeSaplingsForPlanter__name" = "NoTreeSaplingsForPlanter__name"; notification "NoTreesToHarvest__name" = "NoTreesToHarvest__name"; notification "NoTruckAssignedToTreeHarvester__name" = "NoTruckAssignedToTreeHarvester__name"; "NoVehicleDepotAvailable" = "NoVehicleDepotAvailable"; short description "NoWaterDisease__desc" = "NoWaterDisease__desc"; name "NoWaterDisease__name" = "NoWaterDisease__name"; explains that settlement has the current disease due to its low water supply "NoWaterDisease_Reason" = "NoWaterDisease_Reason"; title of a checkbox that enables auto regulation of nuclear reactor, more explained in NuclearReactor__AutoThrottle_Tooltip "NuclearReactor__AutoThrottle" = "NuclearReactor__AutoThrottle"; "NuclearReactor__AutoThrottle_Tooltip" = "NuclearReactor__AutoThrottle_Tooltip"; example usage of {0}: 'provide up to 12 MW of electricity' example usage of {0}: 'provide up to 12 MW of electricity' "NuclearReactor__desc" = "Підтримує ядерну ланцюгову реакцію зі збагаченого урану. В результаті реакції виділяється велика кількість тепла, яке використовується для виробництва пари. Реактор може виробляти до {0} МВт електроенергії при роботі на повній потужності. Відпрацьоване ядерне паливо радіоактивне і може завдати шкоди населенню. Його необхідно зберігати в спеціалізованому приміщенні."; tooltip explaining that a reactor can't be upgraded while it's running "NuclearReactor__DisableBeforeUpgrade" = "NuclearReactor__DisableBeforeUpgrade"; title of a panel that shows status of emergency cooling buffers, see tooltip to get better context title of a panel that shows status of emergency cooling buffers, see tooltip to get better context "NuclearReactor__EmergencyCoolingTitle" = "Аварійне охолодження"; "NuclearReactor__EmergencyCoolingTooltip" = "Аварійне охолодження розгортається на випадок, якщо реактор починає перегріватися, це зазвичай відбувається, коли вода подається недостатньо швидко. Аварійне охолодження не є обов’язковим, але настійно рекомендується, оскільки воно забезпечує додатковий захист і допомагає уникнути будь-якого потенційного перегріву."; title of panel showing info about fuel enrichment in nuclear reactor "NuclearReactor__EnrichmentTitle" = "NuclearReactor__EnrichmentTitle"; title of panel showing info about fuel enrichment in nuclear reactor "NuclearReactor__EnrichmentTooltip" = "NuclearReactor__EnrichmentTooltip"; suffix for NuclearReactor__HeatLevelTooltip in case the current reactor releases radiation on meltdown "NuclearReactor__HeatLevelNoRadiationSuffix" = "NuclearReactor__HeatLevelNoRadiationSuffix"; suffix for NuclearReactor__HeatLevelTooltip in case the current reactor releases radiation on meltdown "NuclearReactor__HeatLevelRadiationSuffix" = "NuclearReactor__HeatLevelRadiationSuffix"; explanation of nuclear reactor state when it has low maintenance explanation of nuclear reactor state when it has low maintenance "NuclearReactor__NotEnoughMaintenance" = "УВАГА: Ядерний реактор не може запуститися, якщо він не підтримується належним чином. Збільште технічне обслуговування, щоб безпечно запустити його."; explanation of nuclear reactor overheating state explanation of nuclear reactor overheating state "NuclearReactor__Overheated" = "УВАГА: Ядерний реактор критично перегрівся і зупиняється. Залежно від тяжкості, це може призвести до втрати завантаженого палива, пошкодження будівлі (втрата технічного обслуговування) та витоку радіоактивності."; "NuclearReactor__PowerLevelTooltip" = "Перетягуючи помаранчевий повзунок вправо, ви визначаєте потрібний рівень потужності, який підтримується в реакторі. Це впливає на кількість пари, яку виробляє реактор, і на те, наскільки швидко прогорає паливо. Усе вироблене тепло необхідно використати. Будь-яке додаткове тепло може повільно накопичуватися, що в кінцевому підсумку призведе до перегріву реактора. Базові реактори не мають автоматичного регулювання потужності, що робить їх тепловіддачу фіксованою. Удосконалені реактори можуть використовувати обчислювальну техніку для автоматизованого регулювання рівня їх потужності, знижуючи споживання палива та води."; shows the minimum number of fuel required in the reactor in order for it to work, used like this: 'At least 16 units of fuel required to operate' "NuclearReactorRods__MinRequired" = "NuclearReactorRods__MinRequired"; title of a panel that shows status of fuel stored in the reactor "NuclearReactorRods__StatusTitle" = "NuclearReactorRods__StatusTitle"; tooltip explaining how fuel works in a reactor "NuclearReactorRods__Tooltip" = "NuclearReactorRods__Tooltip"; example usage of {0}: 'provide up to 12 MW of electricity' "NuclearReactorT2__desc" = "NuclearReactorT2__desc"; name "NuclearReactorT2__name" = "NuclearReactorT2__name"; short description of a machine "NuclearReprocessingPlant__desc" = "NuclearReprocessingPlant__desc"; name of a machine "NuclearReprocessingPlant__name" = "NuclearReprocessingPlant__name"; name name "NuclearWasteStorage__name" = "Сховище відпрацьованого ядерного палива"; example: '1 day', '2 days' "NumberOfDays" = "NumberOfDays"; example: '1 year', '2 years' "NumberOfYears" = "NumberOfYears"; "OakTree__desc" = "OakTree__desc"; "OakTreeDry__desc" = "OakTreeDry__desc"; notification "OceanAccessBlocked__name" = "OceanAccessBlocked__name"; title for ocean quality setting "OceanRenderingQuality" = "OceanRenderingQuality"; short description: {0} is an integer specifying max height such as '10' short description of a machine "OceanWaterPumpLarge__desc" = "Насос більшої потужності, який може закачувати воду вище, але для роботи потрібно більше енергії."; short description: {0} is an integer specifying max height such as '5' short description of a machine "OceanWaterPumpT1__desc" = "Качає воду з океану."; In new game wizard. Label on a button to open the CoI Hub community website "OpenCoIHub" = "OpenCoIHub"; button to click on to open a research window, shown when some research is in progress "OpenResearch_Action" = "OpenResearch_Action"; action to open a window with a tutorial (shown as a tooltip of an icon button) "OpenTutorial" = "OpenTutorial"; a difficulty option where pumps reduce their throughput when out of groundwater instead of stopping entirely "Option_ReducesThroughput" = "Option_ReducesThroughput"; more info in OreSorting_AllowedProducts__Tooltip "OreSorter_AllowedProducts__Title" = "OreSorter_AllowedProducts__Title"; {0} - replaced with mine tower "OreSorter_AllowedProducts__Tooltip" = "OreSorter_AllowedProducts__Tooltip"; tooltip for toggle in ore sorting plant to set to notify if plant can't no longer work due to its output being blocked "OreSorter_BlockedAlert__Tooltip" = "OreSorter_BlockedAlert__Tooltip"; title of a container showing all the mixed input products waiting to be sorted in the sorting plant "OreSorter_InputTitle" = "OreSorter_InputTitle"; note: this will never be used in singular form, usually number will be around 8 products "OreSorter_LimitReached" = "OreSorter_LimitReached"; toggle in ore sorting plant, more info in OreSorter_NoSingleLoad__Tooltip "OreSorter_NoSingleLoad__Toggle" = "OreSorter_NoSingleLoad__Toggle"; tooltip for toggle in ore sorting plant "OreSorter_NoSingleLoad__Tooltip" = "OreSorter_NoSingleLoad__Tooltip"; tooltip "OreSorter_ProductBlocked__Tooltip" = "OreSorter_ProductBlocked__Tooltip"; Call to action for player to select products to sort in ore sorting plant "OreSorter_SelectProducts" = "OreSorter_SelectProducts"; short description "OreSortingPlantT1__desc" = "OreSortingPlantT1__desc"; name "OreSortingPlantT1__name" = "OreSortingPlantT1__name"; tooltip for a dropdown that allows to select machine's output port for a particular product "OutputPort__Tooltip" = "OutputPort__Tooltip"; more information in OutputThisProductOnly__Tooltip "OutputThisProductOnly" = "OutputThisProductOnly"; tooltip "OutputThisProductOnly__Tooltip" = "OutputThisProductOnly__Tooltip"; toggles visibility of grid on terrain "Overlays__Grid" = "Overlays__Grid"; Confirm prompt to overwrite an existing save file, {0} is name of the file to overwrite "OverwriteSave__ConfirmPrompt" = "OverwriteSave__ConfirmPrompt"; "PalmTree__desc" = "PalmTree__desc"; explained in PartialTrucksToggle__Tooltip "PartialTrucksToggle" = "PartialTrucksToggle"; tooltip "PartialTrucksToggle__Tooltip" = "PartialTrucksToggle__Tooltip"; title for particle quality setting "ParticlesRenderingQuality" = "ParticlesRenderingQuality"; title of a button to paste string from the clipboard "PasteString__Action" = "PasteString__Action"; tooltip "PasteString__Tooltip" = "PasteString__Tooltip"; title of a window that shows new patch notes since the last time the player played the game "PatchNotes__New" = "PatchNotes__New"; tooltip "PauseTool__PauseOnlyTooltip" = "PauseTool__PauseOnlyTooltip"; tooltip "PauseTool__Tooltip" = "PauseTool__Tooltip"; used to show how much something costs per a single ship's journey, used like this for instance: 2 Unity / journey. "PerJourneySuffix" = "PerJourneySuffix"; category for key-bindings used in photo-mode (photo mode allows players to control the camera in a different way and to take nice screenshots) "PhotoMode" = "PhotoMode"; tooltip "PlaceMultipleTooltip" = "PlaceMultipleTooltip"; "PlaceSurface__Tooltip" = "PlaceSurface__Tooltip"; title of a button that enabled or disables a planning mode (mode in which buildings are not built immediately) "PlanningMode" = "PlanningMode"; label showing that planning mode is currently enabled, should be reasonably short "PlanningModeActive__Title" = "PlanningModeActive__Title"; tooltip "PlanningModeActive__Tooltip" = "PlanningModeActive__Tooltip"; used like this: In quarantine: 20 pops, shown below PopsCannotWorkTitle "PopsCannotWork__Quarantine" = "PopsCannotWork__Quarantine"; used like this: Starving: 20 pops, shown below PopsCannotWorkTitle "PopsCannotWork__Starving" = "PopsCannotWork__Starving"; title to explain that some people can't work, followed by a list of reasons with number of people "PopsCannotWorkTitle" = "PopsCannotWorkTitle"; policy / edict which can enabled by the player in their Captain's office. {0}=1.5% "PopsEviction__desc" = "PopsEviction__desc"; policy / edict which can enabled by the player in their Captain's office. "PopsEviction__name" = "PopsEviction__name"; policy / edict which can enabled by the player in their Captain's office. example values: {0}=15%, {1}=20% "PopsQuarantine__desc" = "PopsQuarantine__desc"; policy / edict which can enabled by the player in their Captain's office. "PopsQuarantine__name" = "PopsQuarantine__name"; notification, any strings in curly braces { } must be preserved and non-translated "PopsStarvedToDeath__name" = "PopsStarvedToDeath__name"; notification "PopsStarving__name" = "PopsStarving__name"; tooltip explaining that people can't be adopted from the world settlement because there are no people available "PopsToAdoptNotAvailable" = "PopsToAdoptNotAvailable"; title of settings affecting electricity "Power" = "Power"; tooltip explaining how power production priority assignment works tooltip explaining how power production priority assignment works "PowerGenerationPriorityTooltip" = "Пріоритет для виробництва електроенергії. У разі надлишку потужності генератор з більш високим пріоритетом (меншим числом) вироблятиме електроенергію, тоді як генератор з нижчим пріоритетом (більше число) буде в режимі очікування."; name name "PowerGeneratorT2__name" = "Електрогенератор II"; if set, belts will always require power otherwise won't work "PowerSetting__ConsumeAlways" = "PowerSetting__ConsumeAlways"; if set, belts will consume power if available "PowerSetting__ConsumeIfCan" = "PowerSetting__ConsumeIfCan"; if set, belts will never consumer power "PowerSetting__DoNotConsume" = "PowerSetting__DoNotConsume"; name: loose product "Product_AnimalFeed__name" = "Product_AnimalFeed__name"; name: loose product "Product_Biomass__name" = "Product_Biomass__name"; liquid content to be enriched in a fast breeder reactor, placed to wrap the reactor core as blanket, see "Product_BlanketFuel__name" = "Product_BlanketFuel__name"; see more in Product_BlanketFuel "Product_BlanketFuelEnriched__name" = "Product_BlanketFuelEnriched__name"; name: unit product "Product_Bread__name" = "Product_Bread__name"; name: unit product "Product_Bricks__name" = "Product_Bricks__name"; name: loose product "Product_BrokenGlass__name" = "Product_BrokenGlass__name"; name: unit product "Product_Cake__name" = "Product_Cake__name"; name: loose product "Product_Canola__name" = "Product_Canola__name"; name: virtual product "Product_CargoShip__name" = "Product_CargoShip__name"; name: virtual product "Product_Chicken__name" = "Product_Chicken__name"; name: a chicken body with removed limbs and feathers, ready to be butchered "Product_ChickenCarcass__name" = "Product_ChickenCarcass__name"; name: loose product "Product_Compost__name" = "Product_Compost__name"; name: unit product "Product_ConsumerElectronics__name" = "Product_ConsumerElectronics__name"; fluid product "Product_CookingOil__name" = "Product_CookingOil__name"; name: loose product "Product_CopperScrap__name" = "Product_CopperScrap__name"; name: unit product "Product_CopperScrapPressed__name" = "Product_CopperScrapPressed__name"; liquid fuel for a fast breeder reactor that goes into its core, see "Product_CoreFuel__name" = "Product_CoreFuel__name"; result of Product_CoreFuel after it was used in nuclear reactor, but this still gets filtered and reprocessed back to some Product_CoreFuel, so it is not entirely spent yet "Product_CoreFuelDirty__name" = "Product_CoreFuelDirty__name"; name: loose product "Product_Corn__name" = "Product_Corn__name"; fluid product "Product_CornMash__name" = "Product_CornMash__name"; name: unit product "Product_Electronics3__name" = "Product_Electronics3__name"; fluid product "Product_Ethanol__name" = "Product_Ethanol__name"; fluid product "Product_Fertilizer2__name" = "Product_Fertilizer2__name"; fluid product "Product_FertilizerOrganic__name" = "Product_FertilizerOrganic__name"; name: waste from nuclear fission "Product_FissionProduct__name" = "Product_FissionProduct__name"; name: unit product "Product_Flour__name" = "Product_Flour__name"; name: unit product "Product_FoodPack__name" = "Product_FoodPack__name"; name: unit product "Product_Fruit__name" = "Product_Fruit__name"; name: loose product "Product_GoldScrap__name" = "Product_GoldScrap__name"; name: unit product "Product_GoldScrapPressed__name" = "Product_GoldScrapPressed__name"; name: unit product "Product_HouseholdAppliances__name" = "Product_HouseholdAppliances__name"; fluid product "Product_HydrogenFluoride__name" = "Product_HydrogenFluoride__name"; name: loose product "Product_IronScrap__name" = "Product_IronScrap__name"; name: unit product "Product_IronScrapPressed__name" = "Product_IronScrapPressed__name"; name: unit product "Product_LabEquipment__name" = "Product_LabEquipment__name"; name: unit product "Product_LabEquipment2__name" = "Product_LabEquipment2__name"; name: unit product "Product_LabEquipment3__name" = "Product_LabEquipment3__name"; name: unit product "Product_LabEquipment4__name" = "Product_LabEquipment4__name"; name: loose product "Product_ManufacturedSand__name" = "Product_ManufacturedSand__name"; name: unit product "Product_Meat__name" = "Product_Meat__name"; name: loose product "Product_MeatTrimmings__name" = "Product_MeatTrimmings__name"; name: unit product "Product_MechanicalParts__name" = "Product_MechanicalParts__name"; name: unit product "Product_MedicalSupplies__name" = "Product_MedicalSupplies__name"; name: unit product "Product_MedicalSupplies2__name" = "Product_MedicalSupplies2__name"; name: unit product "Product_MedicalSupplies3__name" = "Product_MedicalSupplies3__name"; name: unit product "Product_Morphine__name" = "Product_Morphine__name"; name: special type of fuel for nuclear reactor called MOX, "Product_MoxRod__name" = "Product_MoxRod__name"; name: unit product "Product_Paper__name" = "Product_Paper__name"; name: unit product "Product_Plutonium__name" = "Product_Plutonium__name"; name: loose product "Product_Poppy__name" = "Product_Poppy__name"; name: loose product "Product_Potato__name" = "Product_Potato__name"; name: loose product "Product_QuartzCrushed__name" = "Product_QuartzCrushed__name"; name: loose product "Product_Recyclables__name" = "Product_Recyclables__name"; name: unit product "Product_RecyclablesPressed__name" = "Product_RecyclablesPressed__name"; name: nuclear waste that is no longer radioactive (was retired and can be recycled) "Product_RetiredWaste__name" = "Product_RetiredWaste__name"; name: unit product "Product_Sausage__name" = "Product_Sausage__name"; name: unit product "Product_Server__name" = "Product_Server__name"; name: unit product "Product_Snack__name" = "Product_Snack__name"; name: unit product "Product_SolarCellMono__name" = "Product_SolarCellMono__name"; name: loose product "Product_Soybean__name" = "Product_Soybean__name"; name: spent nuclear fuel called MOX, radioactive, "Product_SpentMox__name" = "Product_SpentMox__name"; fluid product fluid product This is a steam that has such a low pressure that it is consider depleted (no longer useful). So this is a product, it's not a notification that some machine ran out of steam. It goes like this steam hi > steam lo > steam depleted "Product_SteamDepleted__name" = "Відпрацьована пара"; high pressure steam, keep short! fluid product High pressure steam. "Product_SteamHi__name" = "Пара ВТ"; low pressure steam, keep short! fluid product Low pressure steam. "Product_SteamLP__name" = "Пара НТ"; super pressure steam (more pressure than high press steam), keep short! "Product_SteamSp__name" = "Product_SteamSp__name"; name: loose product "Product_SugarCane__name" = "Product_SugarCane__name"; name: unit product "Product_TreeSapling__name" = "Product_TreeSapling__name"; name: loose product "Product_UraniumDepleted__name" = "Product_UraniumDepleted__name"; name: unit product "Product_UraniumEnriched__name" = "Product_UraniumEnriched__name"; name: unit product "Product_UraniumEnriched20__name" = "Product_UraniumEnriched20__name"; name: Recycled uranium created from partially spent fuel "Product_UraniumReprocessed__name" = "Product_UraniumReprocessed__name"; name: unit product "Product_VehicleParts__name" = "Product_VehicleParts__name"; name: unit product "Product_VehicleParts2__name" = "Product_VehicleParts2__name"; name: unit product "Product_VehicleParts3__name" = "Product_VehicleParts3__name"; name: virtual product "Product_Virtual_Heat__name" = "Product_Virtual_Heat__name"; name: virtual product "Product_Virtual_MaintenanceT3__name" = "Product_Virtual_MaintenanceT3__name"; name: loose product "Product_Waste__name" = "Product_Waste__name"; name: unit product "Product_WastePressed__name" = "Product_WastePressed__name"; name: loose product "Product_Woodchips__name" = "Product_Woodchips__name"; name: uranium concentrate powder (U3O8), yellow color, "Product_Yellowcake__name" = "Product_Yellowcake__name"; title of a panel showing estimates of quantities required to produce some quantity of a product "ProductionCostEstimate" = "ProductionCostEstimate"; title of a tool that is used to remove debris such as stone, bushes and stumps. "PropsRemovalTool" = "PropsRemovalTool"; tooltip "PropsRemovalTool__Tooltip" = "PropsRemovalTool__Tooltip"; text for a checkbox, keep short. More info on this in ConsumeSurplusPower__Tooltip "ProvideSurplusPower__Toggle" = "ProvideSurplusPower__Toggle"; option for electricity consumption for machines and buildings "ProvideSurplusPower__Tooltip" = "ProvideSurplusPower__Tooltip"; rendering preset name for 2nd best option "QualityPreset__HighQuality" = "QualityPreset__HighQuality"; rendering preset name for the worst quality but highest performance "QualityPreset__LowQuality" = "QualityPreset__LowQuality"; rendering preset name for the 2nd worst quality but balanced performance "QualityPreset__MediumQuality" = "QualityPreset__MediumQuality"; rendering preset name for best rendering option "QualityPreset__UltraQuality" = "QualityPreset__UltraQuality"; shows some quantity per month, e.g. '4 / month' "QuantityPerMonth" = "QuantityPerMonth"; error popup shown when quick delivery is not allowed "QuickBuild__NotAllowed" = "QuickBuild__NotAllowed"; button to instantly remove some materials something for unity "QuickRemove__Action" = "QuickRemove__Action"; tooltip that explains quick remove for unity "QuickRemove__Tooltip" = "QuickRemove__Tooltip"; tooltip "RadiationLevel__Tooltip" = "RadiationLevel__Tooltip"; "RecipesBook__OpenHint" = "RecipesBook__OpenHint"; button to recover stuck vehicle, see 'RecoverVehicle__Tooltip' for more details on what this does "RecoverVehicle__Action" = "RecoverVehicle__Action"; vehicle recovery button tooltip "RecoverVehicle__Tooltip" = "RecoverVehicle__Tooltip"; shows recycling efficiency, more details on this in tooltip "RecyclingEfficiency__Title" = "RecyclingEfficiency__Title"; "RecyclingEfficiency__Tooltip" = "RecyclingEfficiency__Tooltip"; policy / edict which can enabled by the player in their Captain's office. {0}=15% "RecyclingIncrease__desc" = "RecyclingIncrease__desc"; policy / edict which can enabled by the player in their Captain's office. "RecyclingIncrease__name" = "RecyclingIncrease__name"; description of research that increases recycling efficiency by {0} percent "RecyclingRatioIncrease" = "RecyclingRatioIncrease"; a difficulty option where player gets a full (100%) refund when deconstructing something "RefundOption__Full" = "RefundOption__Full"; a difficulty option where player gets only a partial refund when deconstructing something "RefundOption__Partial" = "RefundOption__Partial"; Relative times shown in the load & save windows "RelativeTime_Days" = "RelativeTime_Days"; Relative times shown in the load & save windows "RelativeTime_Hours" = "RelativeTime_Hours"; Relative times shown in the load & save windows. {0} is a positive integer "RelativeTime_Minutes" = "RelativeTime_Minutes"; Relative times shown in the load & save windows. {0} is a positive integer "RelativeTime_Seconds" = "RelativeTime_Seconds"; could not demolish a cargo depot as it is transferring cargo right now "RemovalError__DepotMovingCargo" = "RemovalError__DepotMovingCargo"; could not demolish an animal farm as it has animals "RemovalError__FarmHasAnimals" = "RemovalError__FarmHasAnimals"; could not demolish a cargo depot / unassign its product as it has some products stored "RemovalError__HasProductsStored" = "RemovalError__HasProductsStored"; trying to remove a shipyard that can't be removed as it has the ship assigned "RemovalError__HasShipAssigned" = "RemovalError__HasShipAssigned"; button to request products removal from a transport (comes with a trash icon as well) button to request products removal from a transport "RemoveProducts" = "Вивезти продукцію"; button to stop products removal from a conveyor belt "RemoveProducts__Stop" = "RemoveProducts__Stop"; tooltip for a button that allows to remove products from machine's buffers "RemoveProductsInBuffers__Tooltip" = "RemoveProductsInBuffers__Tooltip"; option for rendering quality setting for the high quality "RenderingQuality__High" = "RenderingQuality__High"; option for rendering quality setting for low quality "RenderingQuality__Low" = "RenderingQuality__Low"; option for rendering quality setting for medium quality "RenderingQuality__Medium" = "RenderingQuality__Medium"; option for rendering quality setting, used when the feature is turned off "RenderingQuality__Off" = "RenderingQuality__Off"; option for rendering quality setting for the very high quality "RenderingQuality__VeryHigh" = "RenderingQuality__VeryHigh"; note added to rendering quality options that are not supported on current hardware "RenderingSetting_NotSupported" = "RenderingSetting_NotSupported"; title for rendering settings "RenderingSetting_Title" = "RenderingSetting_Title"; Label for the rendering quality preset buttons in the settings window "RenderingSettingPreset_Label" = "RenderingSettingPreset_Label"; tooltip "ReplaceVehicle__MainTooltip" = "ReplaceVehicle__MainTooltip"; tooltip combined with ReplaceVehicle__MainTooltip "ReplaceVehicle__NoDepot" = "ReplaceVehicle__NoDepot"; tooltip combined with ReplaceVehicle__MainTooltip "ReplaceVehicle__NoVehicleSelected" = "ReplaceVehicle__NoVehicleSelected"; tooltip combined with ReplaceVehicle__MainTooltip "ReplaceVehicle__OnItsWay" = "ReplaceVehicle__OnItsWay"; tooltip combined with ReplaceVehicle__MainTooltip "ReplaceVehicle__WaitingForReplace" = "ReplaceVehicle__WaitingForReplace"; title of a panel providing an option to increase player's reputation in the current world map settlement "ReputationIncrease__Title" = "ReputationIncrease__Title"; tooltip of a panel providing an option to increase player's reputation in the current world map settlement "ReputationIncrease__Tooltip" = "ReputationIncrease__Tooltip"; text of a panel that enables to donate products to a world map settlement to increase player's reputation, example use 'Increase our reputation to 4' "ReputationIncreaseTitle" = "ReputationIncreaseTitle"; ex: 14 / 98, research progress in the details panel of the load & save window "Research__Detail" = "Research__Detail"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchArcFurnace2__name" = "ResearchArcFurnace2__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchBasicComputing__name" = "ResearchBasicComputing__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchBioDiesel__name" = "ResearchBioDiesel__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchBlueprints__name" = "ResearchBlueprints__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchBricksProduction__name" = "ResearchBricksProduction__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchBurner__name" = "ResearchBurner__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchCanola__name" = "ResearchCanola__name"; description of a research node in the research tree "ResearchCaptainsOffice2__desc" = "ResearchCaptainsOffice2__desc"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchCaptainsOffice2__name" = "ResearchCaptainsOffice2__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchCarbonDioxideRecycling__name" = "ResearchCarbonDioxideRecycling__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchCargoDepot3__name" = "ResearchCargoDepot3__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchCargoDepot4__name" = "ResearchCargoDepot4__name"; title of a research node in the research tree title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchChemicalPlant__name" = "Хімічний завод і добрива"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchChemicalPlant2__name" = "ResearchChemicalPlant2__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchChickenFarm__name" = "ResearchChickenFarm__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchCompactor__name" = "ResearchCompactor__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchConcreteAdvanced__name" = "ResearchConcreteAdvanced__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchConsumerElectronics__name" = "ResearchConsumerElectronics__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchCropRotation__name" = "ResearchCropRotation__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchCrusherLarge__name" = "ResearchCrusherLarge__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchCustomSurfaces__name" = "ResearchCustomSurfaces__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchDatacenter__name" = "ResearchDatacenter__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchDeconstructionRatioIncrease__name" = "ResearchDeconstructionRatioIncrease__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchDeconstructionRatioIncrease2__name" = "ResearchDeconstructionRatioIncrease2__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchDieselGeneratorLarge__name" = "ResearchDieselGeneratorLarge__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchEdicts3__name" = "ResearchEdicts3__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchEdicts4__name" = "ResearchEdicts4__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchElectricity__name" = "ResearchElectricity__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchElectrolysis2__name" = "ResearchElectrolysis2__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchFermentation__name" = "ResearchFermentation__name"; description of a research node in the research tree "ResearchFertilizers__desc" = "ResearchFertilizers__desc"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchFertilizers__name" = "ResearchFertilizers__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchFoodMarket2__name" = "ResearchFoodMarket2__name"; description of a research node in the research tree "ResearchFoodPacking__desc" = "ResearchFoodPacking__desc"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchFoodPacking__name" = "ResearchFoodPacking__name"; description of a research node in the research tree "ResearchFruit__desc" = "ResearchFruit__desc"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchFruit__name" = "ResearchFruit__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchFuelStation3__name" = "ResearchFuelStation3__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchHospital__name" = "ResearchHospital__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchHouseholdAppliances__name" = "ResearchHouseholdAppliances__name"; description of a research node in the research tree "ResearchHouseholdGoods__desc" = "ResearchHouseholdGoods__desc"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchHouseholdGoods__name" = "ResearchHouseholdGoods__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchHydrogenCell__name" = "ResearchHydrogenCell__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchIncinerationPlant__name" = "ResearchIncinerationPlant__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchIndustrialMixerT2__name" = "ResearchIndustrialMixerT2__name"; {0} = Unity "ResearchLabTip" = "ResearchLabTip"; tooltip for a product & quantity that player needs to produce per lifetime "ResearchLocked_LifetimeProduction" = "ResearchLocked_LifetimeProduction"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchMedicalSupplies2__name" = "ResearchMedicalSupplies2__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchMedicalSupplies3__name" = "ResearchMedicalSupplies3__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchMicrochipProduction2__name" = "ResearchMicrochipProduction2__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchNaphthaProcessing__name" = "ResearchNaphthaProcessing__name"; title of a research node in the research tree title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchNaphthaReforming__name" = "Переробка нафти"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchNuclearReactor2__name" = "ResearchNuclearReactor2__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchNuclearReactor3__name" = "ResearchNuclearReactor3__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchOrganicFertilizer__name" = "ResearchOrganicFertilizer__name"; title of a research node in the research tree title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchPolySiliconProduction__name" = "Кремній"; title of a research node in the research tree title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchPowerAndMaintenance__name" = "Енергія та обслуговування"; shows what place in the queue a research node has, e.g. 'in queue (3)' "ResearchQueue__Status" = "ResearchQueue__Status"; research node description "ResearchRecyclingEdict__desc" = "ResearchRecyclingEdict__desc"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchRecyclingEdict__name" = "ResearchRecyclingEdict__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchRecyclingEdict2__name" = "ResearchRecyclingEdict2__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchRecyclingForSettlement__name" = "ResearchRecyclingForSettlement__name"; {0}=10 "ResearchRecyclingIncrease__desc" = "ResearchRecyclingIncrease__desc"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchRecyclingIncrease__name" = "ResearchRecyclingIncrease__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchRetainingWalls__name" = "ResearchRetainingWalls__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchRocketAssemblyAndLaunch__name" = "ResearchRocketAssemblyAndLaunch__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchRotaryKilnGas__name" = "ResearchRotaryKilnGas__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchSausageProduction__name" = "ResearchSausageProduction__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchSettlementDecorations__name" = "ResearchSettlementDecorations__name"; description of a research node in the research tree "ResearchSettlementWaste__desc" = "ResearchSettlementWaste__desc"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchSettlementWaste__name" = "ResearchSettlementWaste__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchSnacksProduction__name" = "ResearchSnacksProduction__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchSolarPanels2__name" = "ResearchSolarPanels2__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchSoybeanCrop__name" = "ResearchSoybeanCrop__name"; title of a panel that shows current research speed of a research lab "ResearchSpeed__Title" = "ResearchSpeed__Title"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchStacker__name" = "ResearchStacker__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchStatueOfMaintenance__name" = "ResearchStatueOfMaintenance__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchStorage3__name" = "ResearchStorage3__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchStorage4__name" = "ResearchStorage4__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchSugarCane__name" = "ResearchSugarCane__name"; description of a research node in the research tree "ResearchSuperPressSteam__desc" = "ResearchSuperPressSteam__desc"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchSuperPressSteam__name" = "ResearchSuperPressSteam__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchTerrainLeveling__name" = "ResearchTerrainLeveling__name"; description of a research node in the research tree "ResearchThermalDesalinationBasic__desc" = "ResearchThermalDesalinationBasic__desc"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchThermalDesalinationBasic__name" = "ResearchThermalDesalinationBasic__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchThermalStorage__name" = "ResearchThermalStorage__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchTombOfCaptains__name" = "ResearchTombOfCaptains__name"; description of a research node in the research tree "ResearchTools__desc" = "ResearchTools__desc"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchTools__name" = "ResearchTools__name"; explains that shipyard cannot be repaired until the player researches how to do it. "ResearchToRepair__Tooltip" = "ResearchToRepair__Tooltip"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchTradeDock__name" = "ResearchTradeDock__name"; description of a research node in the research tree "ResearchTransportsLifts__desc" = "ResearchTransportsLifts__desc"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchTransportsLifts__name" = "ResearchTransportsLifts__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchTreePlanting__name" = "ResearchTreePlanting__name"; shows that a new research was unlocked, example: 'Efficient concrete unlocked!' "ResearchUnlocked" = "ResearchUnlocked"; label of a panel showing icons of all the new buildings and machines that player unlocked "ResearchUnlocked__NewBuildings" = "ResearchUnlocked__NewBuildings"; label of a panel showing icons of all the new products that player unlocked "ResearchUnlocked__NewProducts" = "ResearchUnlocked__NewProducts"; description of a research node in the research tree "ResearchVegetables__desc" = "ResearchVegetables__desc"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchVegetables__name" = "ResearchVegetables__name"; description of a research node in the research tree "ResearchVehicleAssembly2__desc" = "ResearchVehicleAssembly2__desc"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchVehicleAssembly3__name" = "ResearchVehicleAssembly3__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchVehicleAssembly3H__name" = "ResearchVehicleAssembly3H__name"; {0}=25 "ResearchVehicleCapIncrease__desc" = "ResearchVehicleCapIncrease__desc"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchVehicleCapIncrease5__name" = "ResearchVehicleCapIncrease5__name"; title of a research node in the research tree "ResearchVehicleCapIncrease6__name" = "ResearchVehicleCapIncrease6__name"; title of a panel that shows how much is left of a ground deposit resource (oil, groundwater) title of a panel that shows how much is left of a ground deposit resource (oil, groundwater) "ReserveStatus" = "Reserve status"; title of settings affecting resources - mining, starting resources "Resources" = "Resources"; used with a setting that requires restart. Example: 'Scale (restart required)' "RestartRequiredSuffix" = "RestartRequiredSuffix"; button to restore defaults "RestoreDefaults" = "RestoreDefaults"; name "RetainingWallCorner__name" = "RetainingWallCorner__name"; name "RetainingWallCross__name" = "RetainingWallCross__name"; Plural title of a structure that holds terrain in place to prevent it from a collapse "RetainingWallsTitle" = "RetainingWallsTitle"; description of retaining wall "RetainingWallStraight1__desc" = "RetainingWallStraight1__desc"; name "RetainingWallStraight1__name" = "RetainingWallStraight1__name"; name "RetainingWallStraight4__name" = "RetainingWallStraight4__name"; name "RetainingWallTee__name" = "RetainingWallTee__name"; informs how much time is left until the current radioactive waste gets converted into nonradioactive waste. Example use: 'Next disposal in: 40 years' "RetiredWaste__NextDisposal" = "RetiredWaste__NextDisposal"; tooltip "RetiredWaste__Tooltip" = "RetiredWaste__Tooltip"; tooltip explaining that mouse right click remove the hovered element "RightClickToRemove" = "RightClickToRemove"; error popup when player tried to destroy rocket assembly depot but the rocket transporter is not parked inside, {0} is 'rocket transporter' "RocketAssemblyDepot__CannotDestroy" = "RocketAssemblyDepot__CannotDestroy"; short description: rocket assembly building description, {0} is launch pad "RocketAssemblyDepot__desc" = "RocketAssemblyDepot__desc"; short description "RocketLaunchPad__desc" = "RocketLaunchPad__desc"; name "RockMine__name" = "RockMine__name"; name of a machine "RotaryKilnGas__name" = "RotaryKilnGas__name"; tooltip "RotateShortcut__Tooltip" = "RotateShortcut__Tooltip"; tooltip that explains how building recycling works, {0} - iron scrap, {1} - blast furnace "RuinsRecycleFormatted__Tooltip" = "RuinsRecycleFormatted__Tooltip"; title of a button that allows to spend Unity when a ship is out of fuel. More info in RunOnLowFuel__Tooltip. "RunOnLowFuel__Action" = "RunOnLowFuel__Action"; tooltip for a button "RunOnLowFuel__Tooltip" = "RunOnLowFuel__Tooltip"; Message shown when a save is unsuccessful "Save__FailureMessage" = "Save__FailureMessage"; Label above the save name column in the load & save windows "Save__Title" = "Save__Title"; Label for the date of the save in the details panels of the load & save windows "Saved__Detail" = "Saved__Detail"; a message shown on the screen when save or auto-save is in progress "SaveInProgress" = "SaveInProgress"; note about blueprints "SaveMigration__BlueprintsNote" = "SaveMigration__BlueprintsNote"; {0} - Update 1, {1} - branch name "SaveMigration__Intro" = "SaveMigration__Intro"; Label next to the save name entry box in the save window "SaveName__Label" = "SaveName__Label"; vehicle scrap button tooltip "ScrapVehicle__InProgress" = "ScrapVehicle__InProgress"; explains the player what they need to do in order to get access to seeds - wheat seeds, canola seeds etc. "SeedsTech_Description" = "SeedsTech_Description"; title of a panel that allows to select a fuel type for a consumer like a ship for instance "SelectFuel_Title" = "SelectFuel_Title"; Title on the "Select mods" tab of the new game window "SelectMods_Title" = "SelectMods_Title"; Message shown in dropdown buttons when no value is selected "SelectOption" = "SelectOption"; title of a panel that allows to select a vehicle from multiple vehicle types "SelectVehicle_Title" = "SelectVehicle_Title"; title of a panel that enables to manage server racks in data center "ServerRacks__Title" = "ServerRacks__Title"; tooltip in data center "ServerRacks__Tooltip" = "ServerRacks__Tooltip"; title of a panel showing limit of population this building can serve, more details in ServiceLimit__Tooltip "ServiceLimit__Title" = "ServiceLimit__Title"; "ServiceLimit__Tooltip" = "ServiceLimit__Tooltip"; short description "SettlementBiomassModule__desc" = "SettlementBiomassModule__desc"; name "SettlementBiomassModule__name" = "SettlementBiomassModule__name"; short description "SettlementConsumerElectronicsModule__desc" = "SettlementConsumerElectronicsModule__desc"; building or machine "SettlementConsumerElectronicsModule__name" = "SettlementConsumerElectronicsModule__name"; short description "SettlementFoodModuleT2__desc" = "SettlementFoodModuleT2__desc"; name "SettlementFoodModuleT2__name" = "SettlementFoodModuleT2__name"; name "SettlementFountain__name" = "SettlementFountain__name"; notification "SettlementFullOfLandfill__name" = "SettlementFullOfLandfill__name"; short description "SettlementHouseholdAppliancesModule__desc" = "SettlementHouseholdAppliancesModule__desc"; building or machine "SettlementHouseholdAppliancesModule__name" = "SettlementHouseholdAppliancesModule__name"; short description "SettlementLandfillModule__desc" = "SettlementLandfillModule__desc"; name "SettlementLandfillModule__name" = "SettlementLandfillModule__name"; name "SettlementPillar__name" = "SettlementPillar__name"; {0} can be household goods for instance "SettlementRecyclablesModule__descToFormat" = "SettlementRecyclablesModule__descToFormat"; name "SettlementRecyclablesModule__name" = "SettlementRecyclablesModule__name"; name "SettlementSquare1__name" = "SettlementSquare1__name"; name "SettlementSquare2__name" = "SettlementSquare2__name"; shows the current title of a world map settlement ({0}) and the reputation the player has there, example use: 'Settlement (Reputation 4)' "SettlementTitleWithReputation" = "SettlementTitleWithReputation"; title of a panel showing amount of waste accumulated in a settlement "SettlementWaste__Title" = "SettlementWaste__Title"; tooltip "SettlementWaste__Tooltip" = "SettlementWaste__Tooltip"; rendering setting name "ShadowsQualityRenderingSetting__Name" = "ShadowsQualityRenderingSetting__Name"; shaft status, currently showing maximum output percentage "Shaft__Status" = "Shaft__Status"; tooltip explaining shafts, {0} = throughput in MW "ShaftOverview__Tooltip" = "ShaftOverview__Tooltip"; used as: '[checkbox] Auto-repair'. When enabled ship will automatically request its repairs. "ShipAutoRepair__Toggle" = "ShipAutoRepair__Toggle"; tooltip for a checkbox that when enabled requests repairs of the ship anytime it is damaged "ShipAutoRepair__Tooltip" = "ShipAutoRepair__Tooltip"; used as: '[checkbox] Automatically return home'. When enabled ship will automatically return home when there is nothing else to do. "ShipAutoReturn__Toggle" = "ShipAutoReturn__Toggle"; tooltip for ShipAutoReturn__Toggle "ShipAutoReturn__Tooltip" = "ShipAutoReturn__Tooltip"; reason why the action to visit a location by the ship is not available "ShipCantVisit__TooFar" = "ShipCantVisit__TooFar"; policy / edict which can enabled by the player in their Captain's office. {0}=15% "ShipFuelReduction__desc" = "ShipFuelReduction__desc"; policy / edict which can enabled by the player in their Captain's office. "ShipFuelReduction__name" = "ShipFuelReduction__name"; ship's fuel replacement is in progress "ShipFuelSwitch__InProgress" = "ShipFuelSwitch__InProgress"; can't switch fuel type for ship as the selected fuel is already in use "ShipFuelSwitch__InUse" = "ShipFuelSwitch__InUse"; "ShipFuelSwitch__MissingMaterials" = "ShipFuelSwitch__MissingMaterials"; can't switch fuel for ship as the ship is busy "ShipFuelSwitch__ShipBusy" = "ShipFuelSwitch__ShipBusy"; "ShipFuelSwitch__Tooltip" = "ShipFuelSwitch__Tooltip"; "ShipLoading__CancelProject" = "ShipLoading__CancelProject"; button to set the current shipyard as primary, more is explained in ShipyardMakePrimary__Tooltip "ShipyardMakePrimary" = "ShipyardMakePrimary"; tooltip "ShipyardMakePrimary__Tooltip" = "ShipyardMakePrimary__Tooltip"; tooltip "ShipyardMakePrimary__TooltipInProgress" = "ShipyardMakePrimary__TooltipInProgress"; explains that current action is not available until the shipyard is repaired "ShipyardNeedsRepairs" = "ShipyardNeedsRepairs"; tooltip explaining what ShipyardRecoverOceanAccess__Button does "ShipyardRecoverOceanAccess__BtnTooltip" = "ShipyardRecoverOceanAccess__BtnTooltip"; button that allows recovering ocean access by digging ground "ShipyardRecoverOceanAccess__Button" = "ShipyardRecoverOceanAccess__Button"; title for a panel providing option to recover access to shipyard's docking area "ShipyardRecoverOceanAccess__Title" = "ShipyardRecoverOceanAccess__Title"; tooltip explaining what ShipyardRecoverOceanAccess__Button does "ShipyardRecoverOceanAccess__Tooltip" = "ShipyardRecoverOceanAccess__Tooltip"; button to open current directory in OS explorer "ShowInExplorer" = "ShowInExplorer"; example: 'show / 60 [clock icon]', when this is on, recipes durations are normalized to some duration (e.g. 60). example: 'show / 60 [clock icon]', when this is on, recipes durations are normalized to some duration (e.g. 60). "ShowPerDuration" = "show"; short description of a machine "Shredder__desc" = "Shredder__desc"; name of a machine "Shredder__name" = "Shredder__name"; short description of a machine "SiliconCrystallizer__desc" = "SiliconCrystallizer__desc"; Action to skip something (e.g. skip a task) "Skip" = "Skip"; name of a machine "SmokeStackLarge__name" = "SmokeStackLarge__name"; short description short description "SolarPanel__desc" = "Converts sunlight to electricity. Surprisingly, the efficiency depends on how sunny it is."; solar panel description, example use of {0}: 'they provide 25% more energy' "SolarPanelMono__desc" = "SolarPanelMono__desc"; name "SolarPanelMono__name" = "SolarPanelMono__name"; policy / edict which can enabled by the player in their Captain's office. {0}=15% "SolarPowerIncrease__desc" = "SolarPowerIncrease__desc"; policy / edict which can enabled by the player in their Captain's office. "SolarPowerIncrease__name" = "SolarPowerIncrease__name"; notification "SortingPlantBlockedOutput__name" = "SortingPlantBlockedOutput__name"; notification "SortingPlantNoProductSet__name" = "SortingPlantNoProductSet__name"; name of a machine name of a machine "SourWaterStripper__name" = "Sour water stripper"; example replacements: {0} => 50% "SpeedReduced__Machine" = "SpeedReduced__Machine"; example replacements: {0} => 50% "SpeedReduced__Vehicle" = "SpeedReduced__Vehicle"; "SpruceTree__desc" = "SpruceTree__desc"; short description "Stacker__desc" = "Stacker__desc"; name "Stacker__name" = "Stacker__name"; title of a panel that shows what products are dumped by the stacker "StackerProducts__Title" = "StackerProducts__Title"; shows stage of some building or process, {0} is building or process name, {1} is stage number like 1 or 2 "StageStr" = "StageStr"; Title shown above the starting location description in the map selection tab of the new game flow "StartingLocation_Title" = "StartingLocation_Title"; tooltip explaining how difficult a selected island map is "StartingLocationDifficulty__EasyTooltip" = "StartingLocationDifficulty__EasyTooltip"; tooltip explaining how difficult a selected island map is "StartingLocationDifficulty__HardTooltip" = "StartingLocationDifficulty__HardTooltip"; tooltip explaining how difficult a selected island map is "StartingLocationDifficulty__InsaneTooltip" = "StartingLocationDifficulty__InsaneTooltip"; tooltip explaining how difficult a selected island map is "StartingLocationDifficulty__MediumTooltip" = "StartingLocationDifficulty__MediumTooltip"; label explaining how difficult a selected island map is (this is the easiest one) "StartingLocationDifficulty_Easy" = "StartingLocationDifficulty_Easy"; label explaining how difficult a selected island map is "StartingLocationDifficulty_Hard" = "StartingLocationDifficulty_Hard"; label explaining how difficult a selected island map is (this is the hardest one) "StartingLocationDifficulty_Insane" = "StartingLocationDifficulty_Insane"; label explaining how difficult a selected island map is "StartingLocationDifficulty_Medium" = "StartingLocationDifficulty_Medium"; "StarvationMode__Death" = "StarvationMode__Death"; "StarvationMode__ReducedWorkers" = "StarvationMode__ReducedWorkers"; shown when statistics have no data yet "Stats_NoDataYet" = "Stats_NoDataYet"; statistics category referring to usage of fuel in cargo ships "StatsCat__CargoShips" = "StatsCat__CargoShips"; statistics category referring to usage of fuel in the main player's ship "StatsCat__MainShip" = "StatsCat__MainShip"; statistics category referring to usage of products in power production "StatsCat__PowerProduction" = "StatsCat__PowerProduction"; statistics category referring to usage of fuel in vehicles "StatsCat__Vehicles" = "StatsCat__Vehicles"; label of a chart showing consumption of a product via costs in construction "StatsEntry__Construction" = "StatsEntry__Construction"; label of a chart showing production of a product by getting it back via deconstruction "StatsEntry__Deconstruction" = "StatsEntry__Deconstruction"; label of a chart showing consumption of a product by dumping it (on terrain or into ocean) or disposing it (burning it) "StatsEntry__Dumping" = "StatsEntry__Dumping"; label of a chart showing consumption of a product by exporting it into the world "StatsEntry__Export" = "StatsEntry__Export"; label of a chart showing consumption of a product via farming (e.g. by irrigation) "StatsEntry__Farming" = "StatsEntry__Farming"; label of a chart showing production of a product by importing it from world map "StatsEntry__Import" = "StatsEntry__Import"; label of a chart showing production of a product by mining "StatsEntry__Mining" = "StatsEntry__Mining"; label of a chart showing production of a product by recycling it "StatsEntry__Recycling" = "StatsEntry__Recycling"; label of a chart showing total consumption of a product "StatsEntry__TotalConsumption" = "StatsEntry__TotalConsumption"; label of a chart showing total production of a product "StatsEntry__TotalProduction" = "StatsEntry__TotalProduction"; title of a chart that shows total global quantity of a product in factory / island over time. "StatsEntry__TotalQuantity" = "StatsEntry__TotalQuantity"; statistics category referring to people born on the island "StatsPops__Born" = "StatsPops__Born"; statistics category referring to people lost (people who died / left the island) "StatsPops__Lost" = "StatsPops__Lost"; statistics category referring to people that joined they island as refuges or the player adopted them "StatsPops__Refugees" = "StatsPops__Refugees"; title of a chart that shows quantity statistics of a product over time. "StatsProduct_Quantity" = "StatsProduct_Quantity"; shows stats for the last {0} day "StatsRange__Days" = "StatsRange__Days"; title of a column showing sum of data from previous year "StatsRange__LastYear" = "StatsRange__LastYear"; title of a column showing sum of lifetime data - sum of data for the whole gameplay duration "StatsRange__Lifetime" = "StatsRange__Lifetime"; shows stats for the last {0} month "StatsRange__Months" = "StatsRange__Months"; title of a column showing sum of data from this year "StatsRange__ThisYear" = "StatsRange__ThisYear"; title of a tab that shows breakdown data for some statistics (keep short) "StatsTab__Breakdown" = "StatsTab__Breakdown"; title of a tab that shows a summary chart for some statistics (e.g. power) (keep short) "StatsTab__Chart" = "StatsTab__Chart"; e.g. {0} - '5%', {1} - 'Fuel gas' "StatueOfMaintenance__desc" = "StatueOfMaintenance__desc"; name "StatueOfMaintenance__name" = "StatueOfMaintenance__name"; name "StatueOfMaintenanceGolden__name" = "StatueOfMaintenanceGolden__name"; label of a panel showing current entity status "Status" = "Status"; Some feature or trade in a settlement isn't available because player has a low reputation. An example use: Requires reputation to be at least 1 "Status_LowReputation" = "Status_LowReputation"; Surface that can be placed on the ground outside. "Stone_TerrainSurface" = "Stone_TerrainSurface"; title of a button that opens a panel with storage alerts setup "StorageAlert__BtnTitle" = "StorageAlert__BtnTitle"; used in the following context '[checkbox] notify if Empty' "StorageAlert__Empty" = "StorageAlert__Empty"; used in the following context '[checkbox] notify if Full' "StorageAlert__Full" = "StorageAlert__Full"; used in the following context '[checkbox] notify if Empty / Full' "StorageAlert__Prefix" = "StorageAlert__Prefix"; description for storage "StorageFluidFormattedBase__desc" = "StorageFluidFormattedBase__desc"; building or machine "StorageFluidT3__name" = "StorageFluidT3__name"; building or machine "StorageFluidT4__name" = "StorageFluidT4__name"; description for storage "StorageLooseFormattedBase__desc" = "StorageLooseFormattedBase__desc"; building or machine "StorageLooseT3__name" = "StorageLooseT3__name"; building or machine "StorageLooseT4__name" = "StorageLooseT4__name"; appended at the end of a description to explain that a storage consumes power "StoragePowerConsumptionSuffix" = "StoragePowerConsumptionSuffix"; description for storage "StorageSolidFormattedBase__desc" = "StorageSolidFormattedBase__desc"; notification, any strings in curly braces { } must be preserved and non-translated "StorageSupplyTooHigh__name" = "StorageSupplyTooHigh__name"; notification, any strings in curly braces { } must be preserved and non-translated "StorageSupplyTooLow__name" = "StorageSupplyTooLow__name"; building or machine "StorageUnitT3__name" = "StorageUnitT3__name"; building or machine "StorageUnitT4__name" = "StorageUnitT4__name"; explains that player needs to assign a product which they want to convert to heat and back by using a heat storage "StoredHeat__NoProductSelected" = "StoredHeat__NoProductSelected"; Title of a panel that shows total amount of heat in a thermal storage (imagine it as a heat battery) "StoredHeat__Title" = "StoredHeat__Title"; tooltip for a heat bar in a thermal storage "StoredHeat__Tooltip" = "StoredHeat__Tooltip"; note: keep this short!! - label of a slider that requires the storage to be empty note: keep this short!! - label of a slider that requires the storage to be empty "StoredProduct__KeepEmpty" = "Empty"; note: keep this short!! - label of a slider that requires the storage to be full note: keep this short!! - label of a slider that requires the storage to be full "StoredProduct__KeepFull" = "Keep full"; storage tooltip storage tooltip "StoredProduct__Tooltip" = "Moving the green slider (left) to the right will inform trucks to prioritize their deliveries to make the storage filled up to the green slider. This is useful when storage is connected to machines that need the products. Moving the red slider (right) to the left will request trucks to actively remove the products from storage until its cargo is below the red marker. This is useful when the storage needs to be emptied or is used as a temporary storage, for example for slag that needs to be dumped on the terrain."; button to open a page for posting suggestions "Suggestions" = "Suggestions"; title of a panel that shows products support by a given storage or transport title of a panel that shows products support by a given storage or transport "SupportedProducts" = "Supported products"; title of a panel showing icons of trucks that are supported by this vehicle / compatible with this vehicle. E.g. trucks that are supported by an excavator. As some excavators require small trucks and some require bigger trucks. "SupportedTrucks__Title" = "SupportedTrucks__Title"; Title above maps from the supporter's edition of the game "SupporterMaps__Title" = "SupporterMaps__Title"; name: toolbar category name "surfaceCategory__name" = "surfaceCategory__name"; name: Title for category of decals - lines & symbols pained on surfaces "SurfaceDecalsCat_Areas__name" = "SurfaceDecalsCat_Areas__name"; name: Title for category of decals - lines & symbols pained on surfaces Contains letters and numbers. "SurfaceDecalsCat_Characters__name" = "SurfaceDecalsCat_Characters__name"; name: Title for category of decals - lines & symbols pained on surfaces "SurfaceDecalsCat_Hazard__name" = "SurfaceDecalsCat_Hazard__name"; name: Title for category of decals - lines & symbols pained on surfaces "SurfaceDecalsCat_Lines__name" = "SurfaceDecalsCat_Lines__name"; name: Title for category of decals - lines & symbols pained on surfaces "SurfaceDecalsCat_LinesDouble__name" = "SurfaceDecalsCat_LinesDouble__name"; name: Title for category of decals - lines & symbols pained on surfaces "SurfaceDecalsCat_Symbols__name" = "SurfaceDecalsCat_Symbols__name"; short description "TechnologyBlueprints__desc" = "TechnologyBlueprints__desc"; name "TechnologyBlueprints__name" = "TechnologyBlueprints__name"; name "TechnologyCanolaSeeds__name" = "TechnologyCanolaSeeds__name"; short description short description "TechnologyCargoShip__desc" = "We need to discover a cargo ship in the world map to understand how to design this building."; short description "TechnologyCropRotation__desc" = "TechnologyCropRotation__desc"; name "TechnologyCropRotation__name" = "TechnologyCropRotation__name"; {0}=list of buildings "TechnologyCustomRoutes__desc" = "TechnologyCustomRoutes__desc"; name name "TechnologyCustomRoutes__name" = "Custom routes"; short description "TechnologyCustomSurfaces__desc" = "TechnologyCustomSurfaces__desc"; name "TechnologyCustomSurfaces__name" = "TechnologyCustomSurfaces__name"; name "TechnologyElectronics2__name" = "TechnologyElectronics2__name"; name "TechnologyFruitSeeds__name" = "TechnologyFruitSeeds__name"; name "TechnologyHydrogenCargoShip__name" = "TechnologyHydrogenCargoShip__name"; short description short description "TechnologyMechPowerAutoBalance__desc" = "Once manually enabled for a steam turbine, it prevents it from wasting steam by automatically shutting it off in case there is a large excess of mechanical power on the shaft. Once the power on the shaft gets low, the turbine gets restarted. However restarts are not instant so shaft should be accompanied with a mechanical power storage to achieve stable supply of energy."; name name "TechnologyMechPowerAutoBalance__name" = "Turbine control"; name "TechnologyMicrochip__name" = "TechnologyMicrochip__name"; name name "TechnologyNuclearPower__name" = "Nuclear energy"; name "TechnologyPoppySeeds__name" = "TechnologyPoppySeeds__name"; short description "TechnologyRecycling__desc" = "TechnologyRecycling__desc"; name "TechnologyRecycling__name" = "TechnologyRecycling__name"; name "TechnologySoybeansSeeds__name" = "TechnologySoybeansSeeds__name"; name "TechnologySugarCaneSeeds__name" = "TechnologySugarCaneSeeds__name"; short description "TechnologyTerrainLeveling__desc" = "TechnologyTerrainLeveling__desc"; name "TechnologyTerrainLeveling__name" = "TechnologyTerrainLeveling__name"; name "TechnologyWheatSeeds__name" = "TechnologyWheatSeeds__name"; rendering setting name "TerrainDetailsRenderDistance" = "TerrainDetailsRenderDistance"; rendering setting name "TerrainQuality" = "TerrainQuality"; short description: rocket description, {0} is fuel like 'hydrogen' "TestingRocketT0__desc" = "TestingRocketT0__desc"; name "TestingRocketT0__name" = "TestingRocketT0__name"; short description of a machine short description of a machine "ThermalDesalinator__desc" = "Heats saline water into vapor to collect it as clean water. Produces brine as a byproduct. Not really efficient but does the job."; title of a panel with recipe that explains how a thermal storage is charged (with steam to store heat) "ThermalStorage__ChargingRecipeTitle" = "ThermalStorage__ChargingRecipeTitle"; description of a thermal storage "ThermalStorage__desc" = "ThermalStorage__desc"; title of a panel with recipe that explains how a thermal storage is discharged (by using its heat to create steam) "ThermalStorage__DischargingRecipeTitle" = "ThermalStorage__DischargingRecipeTitle"; name "ThermalStorage__name" = "ThermalStorage__name"; "ThisVehicleCannotDriveUnderTransports" = "ThisVehicleCannotDriveUnderTransports"; throughput of something, e.g. 'Throughput: 20%' "ThroughputWithParam" = "ThroughputWithParam"; tip displayed on the loading screen tip displayed on the loading screen "TipOnLoad__TransportStraight" = "When building transports, hold SHIFT to only allow straight transports, or hold CTRL for alternative route."; a description of tomb of captains "TombOfCaptainsStage1__desc" = "TombOfCaptainsStage1__desc"; name of a building "TombOfCaptainsStageFinal__name" = "TombOfCaptainsStageFinal__name"; tooltip "Toolbox__HideCosts" = "Toolbox__HideCosts"; title of a menu containing editing tools such as copy paste or delete. "ToolsTitle" = "ToolsTitle"; label of a chart showing total population "TotalPopulation" = "TotalPopulation"; tooltip shown when player has homeless people on the island "TotalPopulation__HomelessTooltip" = "TotalPopulation__HomelessTooltip"; tooltip explaining total population view "TotalPopulation__Tooltip" = "TotalPopulation__Tooltip"; could not place an entity because it is blocked by other entity, {0} = name of blocked entity "TrAdditionError__Blocked" = "TrAdditionError__Blocked"; could not connect a transport could not connect a transport "TrAdditionError__InvalidConnection" = "Invalid connection"; generic message for invalid transport split position "TrAdditionError__InvalidTransportCut" = "TrAdditionError__InvalidTransportCut"; could not merge a transport due to not being flat could not merge a transport due to not being flat "TrAdditionError__NotFlat" = "Cannot join to a ramp"; could not place a transport because it is self-colliding could not place a transport because it is self-colliding "TrAdditionError__SelfColliding" = "Self-collision"; could not create a connector because it is too close to other connector, {0} is translated name of the connector "TrAdditionError__TooCloseToOtherMiniZipper" = "TrAdditionError__TooCloseToOtherMiniZipper"; displayed when trade action is no longer available displayed when trade action is no longer available "Trade__SoldOut" = "Sold out"; short description "TradeDock__desc" = "TradeDock__desc"; name "TradeDock__name" = "TradeDock__name"; tooltip of a panel showing all the cargo stored in a trade dock "TradeDockCargo__Tooltip" = "TradeDockCargo__Tooltip"; shown after player makes a trade that the products were delivered shown after player makes a trade that the products were delivered "TradeOfferDelivered" = "Products were delivered to our shipyard!"; shown after player makes a trade that the products were delivered "TradeOfferDelivered__Animal" = "TradeOfferDelivered__Animal"; shown after player makes a trade that the products were delivered "TradeOfferDelivered__CargoShip" = "TradeOfferDelivered__CargoShip"; title of a panel that shows trade offer from a world map settlement "TradeOffers__Tooltip" = "TradeOffers__Tooltip"; tooltip explaining how trade works tooltip explaining how trade works "TradeStatus__Info" = "We will get products delivered to our shipyard immediately"; tooltip explaining how buying animals works "TradeStatus__Info_Animal" = "TradeStatus__Info_Animal"; tooltip explaining how buying cargo ships works "TradeStatus__Info_CargoShip" = "TradeStatus__Info_CargoShip"; player can't trade an animal (e.g. chicken) as they have no farm where they could place it into, note: players confuse regular farm with animal farm, try to make it clear "TradeStatus__NoSpaceInFarm" = "TradeStatus__NoSpaceInFarm"; player can't trade as they are missing a trade dock building that enables them to trade "TradeStatus__NoTradeDock" = "TradeStatus__NoTradeDock"; trade is 'sold out' trade is 'sold out' "TradeStatus__SoldOut" = "Sold out - come back later"; player can't trade as their trade dock is not operational "TradeStatus__TradeDockNotOperational" = "TradeStatus__TradeDockNotOperational"; title of a window that provides overview on trading - buying, selling products "TradeTitle" = "TradeTitle"; Button that takes player to a world so they can trade with some village they'd like "TradeWithVillage" = "TradeWithVillage"; height of the current transport that is being build - e.g. 'Height: 2' "TransportHeightTooltip" = "TransportHeightTooltip"; category for key bindings used during transport build / editing (when players builds / places transports) "TransportMode" = "TransportMode"; name: toolbar category name name: toolbar category name "transportsCategory__name" = "Transports"; label showing that transport snapping is currently disabled (we show it as it can confuse players), please be consistent with TransportTool__PortSnapTooltip "TransportSnappingOff__Title" = "TransportSnappingOff__Title"; tooltip, be consistent with TransportTool__PortSnapTooltip "TransportSnappingOff__Tooltip" = "TransportSnappingOff__Tooltip"; short description short description "TransportsPillar__desc" = "Pillar that supports transports."; tooltip "TransportTool__NoTurnTooltip" = "TransportTool__NoTurnTooltip"; tooltip "TransportTool__PortBlockTooltip" = "TransportTool__PortBlockTooltip"; tooltip "TransportTool__PortSnapTooltip" = "TransportTool__PortSnapTooltip"; tooltip "TransportTool__TieBreakTooltip" = "TransportTool__TieBreakTooltip"; explanation how to make transport shorter "TransportTooLong__HowToResolve" = "TransportTooLong__HowToResolve"; notification "TransportTooLong__name" = "TransportTooLong__name"; could not cut transport as it is already being constructed "TrCutError__ConstructionAlreadyStarted" = "TrCutError__ConstructionAlreadyStarted"; short description "TreeHarvesterT1__desc" = "TreeHarvesterT1__desc"; name "TreeHarvesterT1__name" = "TreeHarvesterT1__name"; "TreeHarvesterT2__desc" = "TreeHarvesterT2__desc"; name "TreeHarvesterT2__name" = "TreeHarvesterT2__name"; name "TreeHarvesterT2H__name" = "TreeHarvesterT2H__name"; {0} = 'key binding that open the tool' "TreeHarvesting__part1" = "TreeHarvesting__part1"; {0} = 'Tree harvester' "TreeHarvesting__part2" = "TreeHarvesting__part2"; "TreeHarvesting__part3" = "TreeHarvesting__part3"; "TreePlanterT1__desc" = "TreePlanterT1__desc"; name "TreePlanterT1__name" = "TreePlanterT1__name"; name "TreePlanterT1H__name" = "TreePlanterT1H__name"; explains when trees are going to be cut / harvested, example use: 'Cut after: 4 years' "Trees__CutAfter" = "Trees__CutAfter"; Title of a panel that allows to configure when trees are harvested "Trees__HarvestingOptions" = "Trees__HarvestingOptions"; tooltip "Trees__HarvestingOptionsTooltip" = "Trees__HarvestingOptionsTooltip"; Used to signify trees should not be cut. Tooltip. "Trees__NoCut" = "Trees__NoCut"; description of tree in a build menu "TreesInMenuDescription" = "TreesInMenuDescription"; notification, any strings in curly braces { } must be preserved and non-translated notification, any strings in curly braces { } must be preserved and non-translated Example: "Truck cannot deliver coal. No valid destination" "TruckCannotDeliver__name" = "Truck cannot deliver {0}. No valid destination"; notification "TruckCannotDeliverMixedCargo__name" = "TruckCannotDeliverMixedCargo__name"; policy / edict which can enabled by the player in their Captain's office. {0}=15% policy / edict which can enabled by the player in their Captain's office. {0}=15% "TruckCapacityIncrease__desc" = "Trucks can get overloaded by {0} but they require extra {1} maintenance"; notification "TruckHasNoValidExcavator__name" = "TruckHasNoValidExcavator__name"; Tab that contains more insights into jobs done by vehicles and the cargo they exchanged "TrucksAnalytics__Title" = "TrucksAnalytics__Title"; number of jobs done by a vehicle, example use: '1 job', '2 jobs' "TrucksStats__JobsCnt" = "TrucksStats__JobsCnt"; "TrucksStats__OptionGeneral" = "TrucksStats__OptionGeneral"; "TrucksStats__OptionGeneralTooltip" = "TrucksStats__OptionGeneralTooltip"; "TrucksStats__OptionMining" = "TrucksStats__OptionMining"; "TrucksStats__OptionMiningTooltip" = "TrucksStats__OptionMiningTooltip"; "TrucksStats__OptionRefueling" = "TrucksStats__OptionRefueling"; "TrucksStats__OptionRefuelingTooltip" = "TrucksStats__OptionRefuelingTooltip"; Title of a panel showing aggregated overview of products transported by trucks in some selected time period. "TrucksStats__Title" = "TrucksStats__Title"; truck description, for instance {0}=20,{1}=2 "TruckT1__desc" = "TruckT1__desc"; vehicle "TruckT1__name" = "TruckT1__name"; vehicle description, for instance {0}=20,{1}=2 "TruckT2__desc" = "TruckT2__desc"; vehicle "TruckT2__name" = "TruckT2__name"; vehicle "TruckT2H__name" = "TruckT2H__name"; vehicle description, for instance {0}=150 "TruckT3Fluid__desc" = "TruckT3Fluid__desc"; vehicle "TruckT3Fluid__name" = "TruckT3Fluid__name"; vehicle description, for instance {0}=150 "TruckT3FluidH__desc" = "TruckT3FluidH__desc"; vehicle "TruckT3FluidH__name" = "TruckT3FluidH__name"; vehicle description, for instance {0}=150 "TruckT3Loose__desc" = "TruckT3Loose__desc"; vehicle "TruckT3Loose__name" = "TruckT3Loose__name"; vehicle description, for instance {0}=150 "TruckT3LooseH__desc" = "TruckT3LooseH__desc"; vehicle "TruckT3LooseH__name" = "TruckT3LooseH__name"; description of a super pressure turbine "TurbineSuperPress__desc" = "TurbineSuperPress__desc"; name "TurbineSuperPress__name" = "TurbineSuperPress__name"; title of message or tutorial name: message for player "TutorialOnAdvancedLogistics__name" = "Advanced logistics"; {0} = Cargo depot "TutorialOnCargoShip__part1" = "TutorialOnCargoShip__part1"; "TutorialOnCargoShip__part2" = "The number of ships available (repaired) and the number of ships discovered is shown in the top status bar (image below)."; {0} = Cargo depot "TutorialOnCargoShip__part3a" = "TutorialOnCargoShip__part3a"; {0} = Cargo depot "TutorialOnCargoShip__part3b" = "TutorialOnCargoShip__part3b"; "TutorialOnCargoShip__part4V2" = "TutorialOnCargoShip__part4V2"; "TutorialOnCargoShip__part5V2" = "TutorialOnCargoShip__part5V2"; title of message or tutorial "TutorialOnCoalPower__name" = "TutorialOnCoalPower__name"; "TutorialOnCoalPower__part1" = "TutorialOnCoalPower__part1"; "TutorialOnCoalPower__part2" = "TutorialOnCoalPower__part2"; {0} = Flywheel "TutorialOnCoalPower__part3" = "TutorialOnCoalPower__part3"; {0} = Flywheel "TutorialOnCoalPower__part4" = "TutorialOnCoalPower__part4"; title of message or tutorial "TutorialOnContracts__name" = "TutorialOnContracts__name"; {0} = Cargo ship "TutorialOnContracts__part1" = "TutorialOnContracts__part1"; {0} = Cargo ship, {1} = Cargo depot, {2} = Food Packs, {3} = Crude Oil "TutorialOnContracts__part2" = "TutorialOnContracts__part2"; {0} = Cargo Ship, {1} = Cargo depot "TutorialOnContracts__part3" = "TutorialOnContracts__part3"; "TutorialOnCopySettings__part1" = "TutorialOnCopySettings__part1"; {0} = shortcut key "TutorialOnCopySettings__part2" = "TutorialOnCopySettings__part2"; "TutorialOnCopyTool__part1" = "TutorialOnCopyTool__part1"; {0}, {1} = shortcut keys "TutorialOnCopyTool__part2" = "TutorialOnCopyTool__part2"; {0} shortcut key "TutorialOnCopyTool__part3" = "TutorialOnCopyTool__part3"; title of message or tutorial "TutorialOnCrisis__name" = "TutorialOnCrisis__name"; "TutorialOnCrisis__part1" = "TutorialOnCrisis__part1"; "TutorialOnCrisis__part2" = "TutorialOnCrisis__part2"; "TutorialOnCrisis__part2Heading" = "TutorialOnCrisis__part2Heading"; "TutorialOnCrisis__part3" = "TutorialOnCrisis__part3"; "TutorialOnCrisis__part3Heading" = "TutorialOnCrisis__part3Heading"; "TutorialOnCrisis__part4" = "TutorialOnCrisis__part4"; "TutorialOnCrisis__part4Heading" = "TutorialOnCrisis__part4Heading"; "TutorialOnCrisis__part5" = "TutorialOnCrisis__part5"; "TutorialOnCrisis__part5Heading" = "TutorialOnCrisis__part5Heading"; {0} - keep full "TutorialOnCrisis__part6V2" = "TutorialOnCrisis__part6V2"; "TutorialOnCrisis__part7a" = "TutorialOnCrisis__part7a"; {0} - Diesel generator "TutorialOnCrisis__part7b" = "TutorialOnCrisis__part7b"; {0} - Unity "TutorialOnCrisis__part8V2" = "TutorialOnCrisis__part8V2"; "TutorialOnCutTool__part1" = "TutorialOnCutTool__part1"; {0}, {1} = shortcut keys "TutorialOnCutTool__part2" = "TutorialOnCutTool__part2"; {0} = diesel, {1} = crude oil, {2} = basic distiller, {3} = oil pump "TutorialOnDiesel2__part1" = "TutorialOnDiesel2__part1"; "TutorialOnDiesel2__part2" = "TutorialOnDiesel2__part2"; {0} = oil pump, {1} = basic distiller "TutorialOnDiesel2__part3" = "TutorialOnDiesel2__part3"; {0} = crude oil "TutorialOnDiesel2__part4" = "TutorialOnDiesel2__part4"; {0} = waste water, {1} = exhaust, {2} = Smoke stack, {3} = Liquid dump "TutorialOnDiesel2__part5" = "TutorialOnDiesel2__part5"; "TutorialOnDiesel2__part5Heading" = "TutorialOnDiesel2__part5Heading"; title of message or tutorial "TutorialOnDumping__name" = "TutorialOnDumping__name"; title of message or tutorial "TutorialOnFarmFertility__name" = "TutorialOnFarmFertility__name"; title of message or tutorial "TutorialOnFarming__name" = "TutorialOnFarming__name"; "TutorialOnFarming__part2" = "TutorialOnFarming__part2"; "TutorialOnFarming__water" = "TutorialOnFarming__water"; "TutorialOnFarming__water2" = "TutorialOnFarming__water2"; "TutorialOnFarming__waterHeading" = "TutorialOnFarming__waterHeading"; "TutorialOnFertility__fertilizers1" = "TutorialOnFertility__fertilizers1"; "TutorialOnFertility__fertilizers2" = "TutorialOnFertility__fertilizers2"; "TutorialOnFertility__fertilizers3" = "TutorialOnFertility__fertilizers3"; "TutorialOnFertility__fertilizersHeading" = "TutorialOnFertility__fertilizersHeading"; "TutorialOnFertility__part1" = "TutorialOnFertility__part1"; "TutorialOnFertility__part2" = "TutorialOnFertility__part2"; fertility equilibrium is an established term in the game, e.g. in FarmFertility__Equilibrium, please make sure to use it consistently "TutorialOnFertility__part3" = "TutorialOnFertility__part3"; {0} - replaced with percentage (e.g. 50%), {1} - green manure "TutorialOnFertility__rotation1" = "TutorialOnFertility__rotation1"; "TutorialOnFertility__rotation2" = "TutorialOnFertility__rotation2"; "TutorialOnFertility__rotationHeading" = "TutorialOnFertility__rotationHeading"; title of message or tutorial name: message for player "TutorialOnFurnace__name" = "Iron smelting"; title of message or tutorial "TutorialOnHealth__name" = "TutorialOnHealth__name"; "TutorialOnHealth__part1" = "TutorialOnHealth__part1"; "TutorialOnHealth__part2" = "TutorialOnHealth__part2"; "TutorialOnHealth__part2Heading" = "TutorialOnHealth__part2Heading"; "TutorialOnHealth__part3" = "TutorialOnHealth__part3"; "TutorialOnHealth__part3Heading" = "TutorialOnHealth__part3Heading"; "TutorialOnHealth__part4" = "TutorialOnHealth__part4"; "TutorialOnHealth__part5a" = "TutorialOnHealth__part5a"; "TutorialOnHealth__part5b" = "TutorialOnHealth__part5b"; "TutorialOnHealth__part5Heading" = "TutorialOnHealth__part5Heading"; {0} = blast furnace, {1} = iron ore, {2} = iron scrap "TutorialOnIronOre__part1" = "TutorialOnIronOre__part1"; {0} = iron ore, {1} = iron scrap "TutorialOnIronOre__part2" = "TutorialOnIronOre__part2"; {0} = iron ore, {1} = slag, {2} = Blast furnace "TutorialOnIronOre__part3" = "TutorialOnIronOre__part3"; title of message or tutorial "TutorialOnIronOreSmelting__name" = "TutorialOnIronOreSmelting__name"; title of message or tutorial "TutorialOnMaintenance__name" = "TutorialOnMaintenance__name"; {0} = Unity "TutorialOnMaintenance__part1" = "TutorialOnMaintenance__part1"; {0} = Maintenance depot "TutorialOnMaintenance__part2" = "TutorialOnMaintenance__part2"; "TutorialOnMaintenance__part3" = "TutorialOnMaintenance__part3"; "TutorialOnMining__part1" = "TutorialOnMining__part1"; "TutorialOnMining__part10" = "TutorialOnMining__part10"; {0} = shortcut key "TutorialOnMining__part11" = "TutorialOnMining__part11"; "TutorialOnMining__part11Header" = "TutorialOnMining__part11Header"; "TutorialOnMining__part12" = "TutorialOnMining__part12"; "TutorialOnMining__part13" = "TutorialOnMining__part13"; "TutorialOnMining__part13Header" = "TutorialOnMining__part13Header"; {0} = Mine control tower, {1} = Edit area "TutorialOnMining__part2" = "TutorialOnMining__part2"; {0} = Mine control tower "TutorialOnMining__part3" = "TutorialOnMining__part3"; {0} = shortcut key "TutorialOnMining__part4" = "TutorialOnMining__part4"; "TutorialOnMining__part4Header" = "TutorialOnMining__part4Header"; "TutorialOnMining__part5" = "TutorialOnMining__part5"; {0} = shortcut key, {1} = shortcut key "TutorialOnMining__part6" = "TutorialOnMining__part6"; {0} = shortcut key, {1} = shortcut key "TutorialOnMining__part7" = "TutorialOnMining__part7"; {0} = shortcut key "TutorialOnMining__part8" = "TutorialOnMining__part8"; "TutorialOnMining__part9" = "TutorialOnMining__part9"; "TutorialOnPathing__part1" = "TutorialOnPathing__part1"; "TutorialOnPathing__part3" = "TutorialOnPathing__part3"; "TutorialOnPathing__part4" = "TutorialOnPathing__part4"; "TutorialOnPauseTool__part1" = "TutorialOnPauseTool__part1"; {0} = key shortcut "TutorialOnPauseTool__part2" = "TutorialOnPauseTool__part2"; "TutorialOnPlanning__part1" = "TutorialOnPlanning__part1"; {0} - Planning tool, {1} - Planning mode "TutorialOnPlanning__part3V2" = "TutorialOnPlanning__part3V2"; "TutorialOnPlanning__part5Heading" = "TutorialOnPlanning__part5Heading"; "TutorialOnPlanning__part6" = "TutorialOnPlanning__part6"; "TutorialOnPlanning__part7" = "TutorialOnPlanning__part7"; title of message or tutorial "TutorialOnPopsAndUnity__name" = "TutorialOnPopsAndUnity__name"; "TutorialOnPopsAndUnity__part1" = "TutorialOnPopsAndUnity__part1"; "TutorialOnPopsAndUnity__part2" = "TutorialOnPopsAndUnity__part2"; "TutorialOnPopsAndUnity__part3" = "TutorialOnPopsAndUnity__part3"; {0} = Captain’s office "TutorialOnPopsAndUnity__part4" = "TutorialOnPopsAndUnity__part4"; {0} = Unity "TutorialOnPopsAndUnity__part5" = "TutorialOnPopsAndUnity__part5"; {0} = Unity "TutorialOnPopsAndUnity__part6" = "TutorialOnPopsAndUnity__part6"; {0} = Unity "TutorialOnPopsAndUnity__part7" = "TutorialOnPopsAndUnity__part7"; {0} = Unity "TutorialOnPopsAndUnity__part8" = "TutorialOnPopsAndUnity__part8"; "TutorialOnRoutes__part1V2" = "TutorialOnRoutes__part1V2"; {0} = Mine control tower, {1} = +/-, name of the button, {2} - export routes (ExportRoutesTitle) "TutorialOnRoutes__part2V2" = "TutorialOnRoutes__part2V2"; {0} - export routes (ExportRoutesTitle), {1} = +/-, name of the button "TutorialOnRoutes__part3V2" = "TutorialOnRoutes__part3V2"; {0} = Mine control tower "TutorialOnRoutes__part4V2" = "TutorialOnRoutes__part4V2"; {0} = Fuel station, {1} = Mine control tower "TutorialOnRoutes__part7V2" = "TutorialOnRoutes__part7V2"; "TutorialOnRoutes__part8" = "TutorialOnRoutes__part8"; {0} = Keep full (StoredProduct__KeepFull) "TutorialOnRoutes2__part5V2" = "TutorialOnRoutes2__part5V2"; {0} = Mine control tower "TutorialOnRoutes2__part6V2" = "TutorialOnRoutes2__part6V2"; "TutorialOnShipRepair__part1" = "You can use your ship to explore the world map. You can find loot, refugees, oil rigs, and more."; {0} -> key-binding that opens the map, {1} = 'Explore' {0} = key-binding that opens the map, {1} = 'Explore' "TutorialOnShipRepair__part2" = "To start exploring, open the world map ({0}), select a destination, and click {1}. Once the ship arrives, it will start exploring. Exploration takes some time and you will be notified when it is complete."; {0} = Shipyard, {1} = Keep empty (ShipyardKeepEmpty) "TutorialOnShipRepair__part3V2" = "TutorialOnShipRepair__part3V2"; {0} = Shipyard "TutorialOnShipRepair__part4V2" = "TutorialOnShipRepair__part4V2"; {0} - Shipyard "TutorialOnShipRepair__part6" = "TutorialOnShipRepair__part6"; {0} = Blast furnace, {1} = Metal caster "TutorialOnSmelting__part1" = "TutorialOnSmelting__part1"; {0} = Iron scrap, {1} = Iron ore "TutorialOnSmelting__part2" = "TutorialOnSmelting__part2"; {0} = Blast furnace, {1} = Metal caster, {2} - molten channel "TutorialOnSmelting__part3" = "TutorialOnSmelting__part3"; {0} = Smoke stack, {1} = Blast furnace "TutorialOnSmelting__part4" = "TutorialOnSmelting__part4"; {0} = Coal maker, {1} = Smoke stack, {2} = Blast furnace, {3} = Tree harvesting "TutorialOnSmelting__part6" = "TutorialOnSmelting__part6"; {0} = Iron scrap, {1} = Metal caster "TutorialOnSmelting__part7" = "TutorialOnSmelting__part7"; "TutorialOnStorage__part1" = "TutorialOnStorage__part1"; {0} = blast furnace, {1} = iron ore, {2} = coal "TutorialOnStorage__part2" = "TutorialOnStorage__part2"; {0} = Keep full (StoredProduct__KeepFull) "TutorialOnStorage__part3" = "TutorialOnStorage__part3"; {0} = Slag, {1} = Empty (StoredProduct__KeepEmpty) "TutorialOnStorage__part4" = "TutorialOnStorage__part4"; {0} = Keep full (StoredProduct__KeepFull) "TutorialOnStorage__part5" = "TutorialOnStorage__part5"; "TutorialOnStorage__part6" = "TutorialOnStorage__part6"; {0} = Truck Import (LogisticsControl__InputTitle), {1} = Truck Export (LogisticsControl__OutputTitle) "TutorialOnStorage__part7" = "TutorialOnStorage__part7"; title of message or tutorial "TutorialOnStoragesAndTransports__name" = "TutorialOnStoragesAndTransports__name"; "TutorialOnTerDumping__colorsDesc1" = "TutorialOnTerDumping__colorsDesc1"; "TutorialOnTerDumping__colorsDesc2" = "TutorialOnTerDumping__colorsDesc2"; "TutorialOnTerDumping__colorsDesc3" = "TutorialOnTerDumping__colorsDesc3"; "TutorialOnTerDumping__colorsDesc4" = "TutorialOnTerDumping__colorsDesc4"; "TutorialOnTerDumping__colorsDesc5" = "TutorialOnTerDumping__colorsDesc5"; {0} = key shortcut "TutorialOnTerDumping__part1" = "TutorialOnTerDumping__part1"; {0} = Mine control tower, {1} - waste "TutorialOnTerDumping__part10" = "TutorialOnTerDumping__part10"; {0} = Mine control tower "TutorialOnTerDumping__part10Heading" = "TutorialOnTerDumping__part10Heading"; "TutorialOnTerDumping__part2" = "TutorialOnTerDumping__part2"; {0} = key shortcut "TutorialOnTerDumping__part3" = "TutorialOnTerDumping__part3"; {0} = key shortcut "TutorialOnTerDumping__part4" = "TutorialOnTerDumping__part4"; {0} = key shortcut, {1} = key shortcut "TutorialOnTerDumping__part5" = "TutorialOnTerDumping__part5"; "TutorialOnTerDumping__part7" = "TutorialOnTerDumping__part7"; {0} = key shortcut "TutorialOnTerDumping__part8" = "TutorialOnTerDumping__part8"; "TutorialOnTerDumping__part8Heading" = "TutorialOnTerDumping__part8Heading"; {0} = Dirt, {1} = Rock "TutorialOnTerDumping__part9" = "TutorialOnTerDumping__part9"; "TutorialOnTerDumping__part9Heading" = "TutorialOnTerDumping__part9Heading"; {0} = 2, {1} = Ramp "TutorialOnTransports2__height" = "TutorialOnTransports2__height"; "TutorialOnTransports2__part1" = "TutorialOnTransports2__part1"; {0} = analytics (TrucksAnalytics__Title) "TutorialOnTransports2__part2" = "TutorialOnTransports2__part2"; {0} = technology title "TutorialOnTransports2__part3" = "TutorialOnTransports2__part3"; "TutorialOnTransports2__part4" = "TutorialOnTransports2__part4"; {0} = molten channel, {1} = key-bindings, e.g. E/Q "TutorialOnTransports2__part5" = "TutorialOnTransports2__part5"; {0} = key-binding "TutorialOnTransports2__part7" = "TutorialOnTransports2__part7"; title of message or tutorial "TutorialOnTreesPlanting__name" = "TutorialOnTreesPlanting__name"; "TutorialOnTreesPlanting__part1" = "TutorialOnTreesPlanting__part1"; {0} - Forestry Control Tower, {1} - Edit designation, {2} - Mine tower "TutorialOnTreesPlanting__part2" = "TutorialOnTreesPlanting__part2"; {0} - Tree planter, {1} - Forestry Control Tower "TutorialOnTreesPlanting__part3" = "TutorialOnTreesPlanting__part3"; "TutorialOnTreesPlanting__part4" = "TutorialOnTreesPlanting__part4"; {0} - Tree planter "TutorialOnTreesPlanting__part5" = "TutorialOnTreesPlanting__part5"; title of message or tutorial "TutorialOnTrucks__name" = "TutorialOnTrucks__name"; "TutorialOnTrucks__part1" = "TutorialOnTrucks__part1"; "TutorialOnTrucks__part2" = "TutorialOnTrucks__part2"; "TutorialOnTrucks__part3" = "TutorialOnTrucks__part3"; "TutorialOnTrucks__part4" = "TutorialOnTrucks__part4"; {0} = Allow partially loaded trucks (PartialTrucksToggle) "TutorialOnTrucks__part5" = "TutorialOnTrucks__part5"; "TutorialOnTrucks__part6" = "TutorialOnTrucks__part6"; "TutorialOnUnityTool__part1" = "TutorialOnUnityTool__part1"; "TutorialOnUnityTool__part2" = "TutorialOnUnityTool__part2"; {0} = shortcut key "TutorialOnUnityTool__part3" = "TutorialOnUnityTool__part3"; title of message or tutorial "TutorialOnVehiclesAccessibility__name" = "TutorialOnVehiclesAccessibility__name"; "TutorialOnWalls__part1" = "TutorialOnWalls__part1"; "TutorialOnWalls__part2" = "TutorialOnWalls__part2"; {0} = Retaining walls (RetainingWallsTitle), {1} = number (e.g. 5) "TutorialOnWalls__part3" = "TutorialOnWalls__part3"; {0} = shortcut, {1} = shortcut "TutorialOnWalls__part4" = "TutorialOnWalls__part4"; {0} = number (e.g. 5) "TutorialOnWalls__part5" = "TutorialOnWalls__part5"; {0} = Retaining walls (RetainingWallsTitle) "TutorialOnWalls__part6" = "TutorialOnWalls__part6"; title of message or tutorial "TutorialOnWasteDumping__name" = "TutorialOnWasteDumping__name"; "TutorialOnWasteDumping__part1" = "TutorialOnWasteDumping__part1"; {0} = waste module "TutorialOnWasteDumping__part2" = "TutorialOnWasteDumping__part2"; {0} = key shortcut "TutorialOnWasteDumping__part3a" = "TutorialOnWasteDumping__part3a"; {0} = waste module, {1} = dumping tutorial name "TutorialOnWasteDumping__part3b" = "TutorialOnWasteDumping__part3b"; "TutorialOnWasteDumping__part4" = "TutorialOnWasteDumping__part4"; title of message or tutorial "TutorialOnWorldEntities__name" = "TutorialOnWorldEntities__name"; {0} = Start repairs (StartRepairs), {1} = Shipyard "TutorialOnWorldEntities__part1" = "TutorialOnWorldEntities__part1"; {0} = World map (WorldMap), {1} = production level (WorldMineProductionLvl__Title), {2} = Unity "TutorialOnWorldEntities__part2" = "TutorialOnWorldEntities__part2"; {0} = Cargo Ship (name of the tutorial) "TutorialOnWorldEntities__part3" = "TutorialOnWorldEntities__part3"; button to reset tutorial progress, more info in TutorialReset__Tooltip "TutorialReset__Action" = "TutorialReset__Action"; text displayed after tutorial progress gets reset, keep short! "TutorialReset__ResetDone" = "TutorialReset__ResetDone"; title for a button that enables to reset tutorial progress "TutorialReset__Title" = "TutorialReset__Title"; tooltip "TutorialReset__Tooltip" = "TutorialReset__Tooltip"; Description of the tutorials mechanic in the new game flow "Tutorials__Description" = "Tutorials__Description"; Title of the tutorials mechanic in the new game flow "Tutorials__Title" = "Tutorials__Title"; title for user interface settings title for user interface settings "UiSettings_Title" = "UI"; prefix of a button to unassign a vehicle, example: 'UNASSIGN Mine Tower' prefix of a button to unassign a vehicle, example: 'UNASSIGN Mine Tower' "Unassign" = "Unassign"; virtual & abstract currency expressing how people 'pull together' to achieve higher goals "Unity__Tooltip" = "Unity__Tooltip"; example of use: '2.2 Unity / ship', used to denote how much Unity player pays per one full cargo ship to participate in a contract "UnityPerShip" = "UnityPerShip"; title of a tool that is used to spent unity for things such as quick boost or quick delivery. Please keep this short! "UnityTool" = "UnityTool"; tooltip "UnityTool__Tooltip" = "UnityTool__Tooltip"; Group heading for all saves with no game name shown in the game column of the load & save window "UnsortedSaves__Title" = "UnsortedSaves__Title"; "Update1__BlueprintsCopied" = "Update1__BlueprintsCopied"; "Update1__LocationChange" = "Update1__LocationChange"; shows new blueprint files location "Update1__NewBlueprintsLocation" = "Update1__NewBlueprintsLocation"; shows new save files location "Update1__NewSaveLocation" = "Update1__NewSaveLocation"; "Update1__OldLocationStillExists" = "Update1__OldLocationStillExists"; shows old save files location "Update1__OldSaveLocation" = "Update1__OldSaveLocation"; placeholder of a text area for description input "UpdateDescription__Placeholder" = "UpdateDescription__Placeholder"; title of a dialog to update description of a blueprint or blueprint folder "UpdateDescription__Title" = "UpdateDescription__Title"; tooltip of a button to open a dialog to update description of a blueprint or blueprint folder "UpdateDescription__Tooltip" = "UpdateDescription__Tooltip"; explains that upgrade is currently being in progress "UpgradeInProgress" = "UpgradeInProgress"; title of a tool that is used to mass upgrade already existing buildings and machines. Please keep this short! "UpgradeTool" = "UpgradeTool"; tooltip "UpgradeTool__CancelTooltip" = "UpgradeTool__CancelTooltip"; tooltip "UpgradeTool__Tooltip" = "UpgradeTool__Tooltip"; name "UpointsCat_Boost__name" = "UpointsCat_Boost__name"; name "UpointsCat_Contract__name" = "UpointsCat_Contract__name"; name "UpointsCat_ContractEstablish__name" = "UpointsCat_ContractEstablish__name"; name "UpointsCat_Decorations__name" = "UpointsCat_Decorations__name"; name "UpointsCat_Edict__name" = "UpointsCat_Edict__name"; name "UpointsCat_FreeUnity__name" = "UpointsCat_FreeUnity__name"; name "UpointsCat_Health__name" = "UpointsCat_Health__name"; name "UpointsCat_Homeless__name" = "UpointsCat_Homeless__name"; name "UpointsCat_IslandBuildings__name" = "UpointsCat_IslandBuildings__name"; name "UpointsCat_OneTimeActions__name" = "UpointsCat_OneTimeActions__name"; name "UpointsCat_OtherDecorations__name" = "UpointsCat_OtherDecorations__name"; name "UpointsCat_PopsAdoption__name" = "UpointsCat_PopsAdoption__name"; name "UpointsCat_QuickBuild__name" = "UpointsCat_QuickBuild__name"; name "UpointsCat_QuickRemove__name" = "UpointsCat_QuickRemove__name"; name "UpointsCat_QuickRepair__name" = "UpointsCat_QuickRepair__name"; name "UpointsCat_QuickTrade__name" = "UpointsCat_QuickTrade__name"; name "UpointsCat_Rockets__name" = "UpointsCat_Rockets__name"; name "UpointsCat_ShipFuel__name" = "UpointsCat_ShipFuel__name"; name "UpointsCat_Starvation__name" = "UpointsCat_Starvation__name"; name "UpointsCat_VehicleRecovery__name" = "UpointsCat_VehicleRecovery__name"; title of category that shows unity given for settlements decorations "UpointsCategory__Decorations" = "UpointsCategory__Decorations"; title of category that shows unity given for settlements decorations "UpointsCategory__DecorationsLong" = "UpointsCategory__DecorationsLong"; name "UpointsStatsCat_Services__name" = "UpointsStatsCat_Services__name"; name "UpointsStatsCat_WorldMapMines__name" = "UpointsStatsCat_WorldMapMines__name"; short description of a machine short description of a machine "UraniumEnrichmentPlant__desc" = "Utilizes a large set of centrifuges to concentrate uranium-235 isotope out of natural uranium (a process called isotope separation). The resulting product is fissile uranium pellets, ready to undergo a chain reaction in a nuclear reactor. The pellets are not radioactive yet and can be handled manually."; notification "VehicleGoalStruggling__name" = "VehicleGoalStruggling__name"; notification "VehicleGoalStrugglingCannotGoUnder__name" = "VehicleGoalStrugglingCannotGoUnder__name"; notification "VehicleGoalUnreachable__name" = "VehicleGoalUnreachable__name"; notification "VehicleGoalUnreachableCannotGoUnder__name" = "VehicleGoalUnreachableCannotGoUnder__name"; truck job status message "VehicleJob__DrivingToGoal" = "VehicleJob__DrivingToGoal"; truck job status message when a job is in invalid state "VehicleJob__InvalidState" = "VehicleJob__InvalidState"; truck job status message "VehicleJob__Loading" = "VehicleJob__Loading"; vehicle job status message, vehicle is searching for a path to its destination "VehicleJob__Navigating" = "VehicleJob__Navigating"; truck status when truck is adding / removing a ground surface (e.g. concrete) "VehicleJob__ProcessingSurface" = "VehicleJob__ProcessingSurface"; truck job status message "VehicleJob__SearchingForDesignation" = "VehicleJob__SearchingForDesignation"; truck job status message "VehicleJob__Unloading" = "VehicleJob__Unloading"; shown when max number of allowed vehicles was reached and thus a new vehicle can't be built "VehicleLimitReached" = "VehicleLimitReached"; notification "VehicleNoReachableDesignations__name" = "VehicleNoReachableDesignations__name"; description for vehicle ramps short description "VehicleRamp__desc" = "Allows vehicles to cross low obstacles such as transports. It's an interesting piece of tech."; name name "VehicleRamp__name" = "Vehicle ramp"; name "VehicleRamp2__name" = "VehicleRamp2__name"; name "VehicleRamp3__name" = "VehicleRamp3__name"; vehicle role which means the vehicle will harvest trees vehicle role which means the vehicle will harvest trees "VehicleRole__TreeHarvesting" = "Tree harvesting"; list of vehicles assigned to buildings - fuel station, storage "VehiclesAssignedToBuildings" = "VehiclesAssignedToBuildings"; list of vehicles assigned to tree harvesting "VehiclesAssignedToTreeHarvesting" = "VehiclesAssignedToTreeHarvesting"; building or machine "VehiclesDepotT2__name" = "VehiclesDepotT2__name"; building or machine "VehiclesDepotT3__name" = "VehiclesDepotT3__name"; tooltip "VehiclesLimit__Tooltip" = "VehiclesLimit__Tooltip"; example use: 'vehicles maintenance: -20%' "VehiclesMaintenance" = "VehiclesMaintenance"; shows how many drivers are in use for a group of vehicles, {0} = number, e.g. '2 drivers' "VehiclesManagement__Drivers" = "VehiclesManagement__Drivers"; shows how many vehicles are idle, {0} = number, e.g. 'idle: 5' "VehiclesManagement__IdleCount" = "VehiclesManagement__IdleCount"; example: 'Version: alpha 1.0.0' "Version" = "Version"; shown when the UI is waiting for the player to press a key to assign a key-binding "WaitingForKeyPress" = "WaitingForKeyPress"; "WarningLowDiesel__part1" = "Global supply of diesel is critically low! You are at high risk of running out of diesel. When all your diesel supplies are depleted, all vehicles and diesel generators will stop working. Without working logistics and electricity generation your economy will halt."; {0} = Oil Pump "WarningLowDiesel__part2" = "WarningLowDiesel__part2"; "WarningLowMaintenanceNoDepot__part1" = "Some entities are running out of maintenance and they may start breaking down soon."; {0} = Maintenance depot "WarningLowMaintenanceNoDepot__part2" = "WarningLowMaintenanceNoDepot__part2"; {0} = Beacon "WarningNoWorkersNoBeacon__part2" = "WarningNoWorkersNoBeacon__part2"; "WarningNoWorkersNoBeacon__part3" = "In the meantime, you can pause some buildings that you need the least to free up some workers."; name: toolbar category name "wasteCategory__name" = "wasteCategory__name"; short description: {0} is an integer specifying max height such as '5' short description of a machine Dumps liquids into the ocean. "WasteDump__desc" = "Allows liquid dumping into ocean. Some liquid will cause water pollution which can affect health and happiness of your people."; "WasteSortingOutputs__Tooltip" = "WasteSortingOutputs__Tooltip"; {0} stands for recyclables product, {1} stands for recycling efficiency (RecyclingEfficiency__Title) "WasteSortingPlant__desc" = "WasteSortingPlant__desc"; name "WasteSortingPlant__name" = "WasteSortingPlant__name"; policy / edict which can enabled by the player in their Captain's office. {0}=15% "WaterConsumptionReduction__desc" = "WaterConsumptionReduction__desc"; policy / edict which can enabled by the player in their Captain's office. "WaterConsumptionReduction__name" = "WaterConsumptionReduction__name"; category for key bindings to open different windows like research, world-map, etc. "WindowsShortcuts" = "WindowsShortcuts"; tooltip "WorkersAvailable__Tooltip" = "WorkersAvailable__Tooltip"; label of a chart showing total workers demand - number of workers needed over time "WorkersDemand" = "WorkersDemand"; title of a panel showing quantities available to pick up by a cargo ship in the world "WorldCargo__Title" = "WorldCargo__Title"; button to request ship to visit an already explored location button to request ship to visit an already explored location "WorldLocation_StructureFound" = "Structure found"; title/tooltip of a button that opens the world map "WorldMap" = "WorldMap"; description of a world mine, example use: This site mines Coal when assigned with workers. "WorldMine__Desc" = "WorldMine__Desc"; shown when e.g. an oil rig has a production penalty (the output is not just reduced, the non-mined product also gets wasted), example substitutes: {0} => 20% {1} => 12 "WorldMine_ReducedOutput" = "WorldMine_ReducedOutput"; provides estimate on how many years is left to mine in current mine or oil rig, example use 'Years left: 3.5 (estimate)' "WorldMine_ReserveEstimate" = "WorldMine_ReserveEstimate"; tooltip "WorldMine_ReserveEstimate__Tooltip" = "WorldMine_ReserveEstimate__Tooltip"; tooltip for a bar that displays the total reserve left in a deposit. For instance how much uranium is left to extract in a uranium mine. tooltip for a bar that displays the total reserve left in a deposit. For instance how much uranium is left to extract in a uranium mine. "WorldMine_ReserveTooltip" = "Shows the overall status of the reserve available in this deposit. This is a limited resource."; example use: {0} = Oil rig | Mine "WorldMineInfo__NeedsRepair" = "WorldMineInfo__NeedsRepair"; example use: {0} = Oil rig "WorldMineInfo__ProvidesResources" = "WorldMineInfo__ProvidesResources"; production / mining level of an oil rig / mine - more details explained in WorldMineProductionLvl__Tooltip "WorldMineProductionLvl__Title" = "WorldMineProductionLvl__Title"; station can represent an oil rig, mine or forestry "WorldMineProductionLvl__Tooltip" = "WorldMineProductionLvl__Tooltip"; shows the current title of a world map mine ({0}) and the level the mine has, example use: 'Oil rig (Level 4)' "WorldMineTitleWithLevel" = "WorldMineTitleWithLevel"; describes a settlement in the world map describes a settlement in the world map "WorldSettlement_NeutralDesc" = "This is a peaceful settlement we can trade with. We can also invest in their infrastructure to motivate some of their people to join our island."; Map description "YouShallNotPassStaticIslandMap__desc" = "YouShallNotPassStaticIslandMap__desc"; Map name "YouShallNotPassStaticIslandMap__name" = "YouShallNotPassStaticIslandMap__name"; short description: small machine that allows splitting and merging of transports short description: small machine that allows splitting and merging of transports "Zipper_IoPortShape_FlatConveyor__desc" = "Allows distributing and prioritizing products using any of its two input and output ports."; name: small machine that allows splitting and merging of transports name: small machine that allows splitting and merging of transports "Zipper_IoPortShape_FlatConveyor__name" = "Flat balancer"; short description: small machine that allows splitting and merging of transports short description: small machine that allows splitting and merging of transports "Zipper_IoPortShape_LooseMaterialConveyor__desc" = "Allows distributing and prioritizing products using any of its two input and output ports."; name: small machine that allows splitting and merging of transports name: small machine that allows splitting and merging of transports "Zipper_IoPortShape_LooseMaterialConveyor__name" = "U-shape balancer"; short description: small machine that allows splitting and merging of transports short description: small machine that allows splitting and merging of transports "Zipper_IoPortShape_MoltenMetalChannel__desc" = "Allows distributing and prioritizing products using any of its two input and output ports."; name: small machine that allows splitting and merging of transports name: small machine that allows splitting and merging of transports "Zipper_IoPortShape_MoltenMetalChannel__name" = "Molten balancer";